Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • is reviewing his 2008 goals & setting new ones. It’s been a while since I’ve looked @ these. 4 marathons, buy a house, prac piano daily 🙂 #
  • feels much better after a run & some bouldering. Now off for some Korean food w/ an old mission comp! Much better than a lawsuit 🙂 #
  • just dodged a lawsuit. #
  • just wrapped up Common Sense Group w/ the last stragglers. Let us not look outward for solutions before we look backward to the constitution #
  • is feeling a change of direction coming soon. #
  • asks, “what one question are you seeking an answer to that the Lord can answer during conference?” Then ask, listen and ye shall receive! #
  • loves it when ADD combines with revelation and I spend 3 talks writing ideas for my calling! #
  • just watched Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” w/ some friends. I’d recommend it. #
  • is watchin the last session of Conference w/ Mindy & Ben. #

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