Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • is checkin out Hatcher
    Pass & Independence Mine. Light out and it’s 11:45 pm. Just saw a moose, moosen, many much moosen. #
  • is cruisin down da 1, passin the Knik (say the K) & Peters Creek (no apostraphe, weird) headin inta Anchorage ta bike on the Coastal highway #
  • is in Seward. Just saw puffins for the first time. Headin on a train ride now. I think it’s goin to Hogwarts! 😉 #
  • hit his moose quota for today. This time folks, it IS moosen. 4 to be precise. This place is A-MAZE-ING! Bald Eagle feeding her baby too! #
  • is completely by himself in a theater in the heart of Anchorage. No body wants to see Aurora but me I guess. #
  • saw my moose for the day while on a little run, ready as I’ll ever be for tomorrow’s half. Headin to Popeye’s then Night @ the Museum. #
  • is getting psyched up to run the Mayor’s Half Marathon in 30 min. Number 2481 is excited. #
  • runs to draw near to God, to learn, to grow. #
  • did it. #
  • 2:07:30.3 #
  • is soaking in the beauty of a clear aqua Alaskan lake hidden on top of a back country mountain just up from an old gold mine. #

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