
There comes a day in the life of entrepreneurs when they see the world in a different light. When they see things not as they’ve been taught to see them, but with their own intelligence. Opportunities abound everywhere. They understand that they don’t have to play by the rules that were painted by parents, by schools, by friends and the world at large. They see life as it really is, FULL of opportunities!

This “day of awakening” often comes over time as the entrepreneur challenges assumptions, tries things in a little bit different way, and steps outside the lines painted by others. But no matter how quick this new vision settles on a man or woman it changes them forever and the world is alive forever more.

Without vision, says the bible, the people perish. Without vision businesses fail, couples divorce, and individuals and communities find themselves wandering, seeking for something more. When vision enters into the soul of the common man there grows from it an ability to act, a desire and motivation to produce, and a love for their fellow beings.

Now some might challenge that last point about the fruits of vision, but I believe that a true vision is revelation from a loving Father in Heaven who becomes, if we let Him, a partner in our lives. That being the case, any vision obtained from the Maker of our souls must include the love he has for his children, our brothers and sisters.

I seek that type of vision and I seek it believing that I shall receive. I thank my Father for his constant support and seek to humble my heart so that I can clearly see his direction for me and those I will be responsible for.

3 thoughts on “Vision”

  1. That was deep! I can see that you are seeking to make the best of your life. That is exciting! Keep up the good work and your partnership with God! I love you!

  2. It’s interesting, too, how “days of awakening” can happen even to people who aren’t even entrepreneurs. I think it has to do with enlightenment, having an open mind and heart to the Source of inspiration.

  3. Indeed Matilda, enlightenment IS connecting with The Source. There are so many noises in our world that keep us from that realization. But to me the goal is seeking daily that Source and keeping it forefront in my mind.

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