Thoughts & Feelings

Tears fall and like rivers flow
Bitterly your life does bite
Stirrings within do covet those stings
Meant to teach the soul

The sky cannot hold your lofty dreams
Nor the oceans drown your faith
On the wings of wind your fears do flee
And light burns within your breast

Passion, that fuel which feeds imagination
Rises to conquer mountains of disbelief
Your heart speaks as a dear friend
Listen: gentle, quiet, mild

All through your days heaven looks upon
And in your darkest moments
You are not forgotten. You are not alone
For inside you lives the divine

4 thoughts on “Thoughts & Feelings”

  1. Well, each person ascribes his own meaning to things. However, if you were asking me what I was thinking as I was writing, perhaps it was one of those oft moments where I was struggling to decide which wolf inside of me would win, the white one or the black one. I seem to have been placed here to work through these inner battles.

    I believe we all have struggles between our hopes and our fears. I’m no different. At times my mind is FILLED with that light which lets me peer into the vastness of the potential housed inside of me. Other times, thoughts of doubt, discouragement, and hopelessness come knocking.

    That’s it. A pretty common theme I write about…sometimes you’ll catch me writing on a day of light. Other times you’ll catch me struggling to see that light on days of darkness.

    Thanks for asking.

  2. I was wondering about the “and” in the first line? In the 7th line I was wondering if maybe you meant “wigs” instead of “wings.” A nice poem!

  3. Yes Pharaohnobs, I did mean wigs. Thank you for seeing into my soul past my fumbling fingers and lack of control with my words.

    About the “and” on line 1 though…I can’t say that I care one way or the other. I mean, I could have said “space donut” and had the same effect. I don’t know why so simple a word slipped out when there are definitely more exciting words out there. Anywhosie…

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