The World We Live In

A news story caught my eye today. The headline read, “Rich man claims to be Jesus.” Curious about this claim, I watched the MSN Video. While not refuting biblical teachings of “donations,” this man claims that prayer isn’t necessary. He says that there’s no such thing as sin. He also says there’s no hell.

Interesting real life reflections on 2 Nephi 28 “And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none —and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.”

Just as my thoughts were leading me to recognize a modern day Korihor (anti-Christ) I spotted an ad for the *NEW* Desperate Housewives. It’s curious indeed that the media so often reports on the world’s ills and asks in apparently sincere tones why these things are happening; then they turn around and in the same breathe advertise “entertainment” that reinforces the baser instincts of human life. You can’t question the consequences of the actions that you applaude or even silently support.

As the video news stories rolled through their queue I was reminded in another way that the end is near. With vivid images of Hurricane Katrina’s destruction I pondered again the question that I’ve come to ask myself so often these days, “Do you have a testimony of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?” Perhaps an odd question to ask at this point you say? Maybe. But then again, we never know when we’ll be called home to stand before our Savior. I imagine that it will be pretty important at that time to have an answer to that question.

Perhaps the digital snippet of saddening haps that stirred my blood the most was the story on the new “morning after pill”. Referencing the sexual revolution that began back in the 1960s with the advent of the first “Pill”, birth control, the story spoke about the possibility that a similar change in sexual behavior may be on the way. The pill is called “Plan B” and will soon be available over-the-counter. To me the biggest potential negative effect of a pill like this is a further degradation of how we as a society see and value life.

We as a culture are continually seeking new and ever secret ways to hide from public view the consequences of our poor and bad decisions. Sure, we may hide our poor food habits with liposuction; we may mask our alcoholism with mouthwash and a cold shower; we may hide our sexual irresponsibility with pills and contraceptions, but when all is said and done, each poor decisions becomes part of who we are. Yes, we may overcome the effects of our bad choices I believe; however, the very real danger we run is to wake up one day, without the motivation to change our ways. We will then begin to lay the foundation of flawed character and the rewards we gain, will be just as flawed.

If negative news stories were saturated fat, the next Super Size Me video would have to be about how mainstream media is clogging our minds and dulling our desire to do good. I recommend that we eat news sparingly and make sure to include lots of service in our diets in order to keep our perspective clean and priorities in order. Perhaps the following will help us realign:

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