The Magic Garden

Sure there's a Secret Garden and a Sound Garden, but all that's too overdone. This morning I wanted to create a "Magic Garden" for myself. To be honest though, as I began this little visualization practice taught by Lee Pulos in Nightingale Conant's "The Power of Visualization" I was starting to wonder just how much it would help out. Just how magical would my garden be?
After describing the garden space aloud I felt like I was in a place I wanted to be. However, upon inviting a yet to meet friend named Nicola Tesla into my garden and asking him if I could borrow his head for a moment, I experienced the magic of seeing life through another's eyes.
As I looked upon my small garden space I saw everything teeming with energy and life. I could see the air filled with electricity and that very "invisible" life helping to give life to my plants, grass and stream. It was so delightful! I had in essence, let down my guard and walls and I saw, after returning Tesla's head and thanking him, that I was the person seeing my garden a new. I had just chosen to see the world through another's eyes.
I learned early this week that I can choose to see things differently. Whereas it's so easy to fall into ruts of perception, I managed to break free for a while and see people as such, as people Instead of being there only to interrupt and annoy me, they were people too with hopes, wishes, trials and passions. It was freeing to take the invitation (from a book I am reading) to pray for those I came in contact with throughout the day. After all, in the eyes of God, we are all worthy of love. Choosing to send out this love throughout the day gives me access to experience it for myself, for which I am truly grateful.
Glory to God,


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