The Latest

Hey fellas and gals. For those two [I’ve since been informed that three people actually read this, so, here’s to you too brah] people that read my blog (you know who you are), I wish to blog an update to my lifearooni.

First off, I’d like to say to anyone that’s felt a bit neglected or ignored by me that I’m sorry. I have successfully done it again, booked my time so I can barely breathe. Sure, it’s really nice to be busy and not have much time to get in trouble, but I do miss being able to call someone up and chat when I get home from work. Instead, I’ve been jumping from work at 10x Marketing to fulfilling orders with my business, Yard Game Central, to managing apartments at Old Mill, and then preparing lessons for Church. As if that wasn’t enough, things ALWAYS come up. I’ve put time into fixing sites that I responsible for. Hackers got onto our SunSavvy site and messed it up. That kinda broadsided me. I left it messed up way too long. Just didn’t have the time. I think we probably suffered from that, because our main girl had just attended a HUGE conference in CA and given people business cards to go to the site. NOT a good time for the Arabian Hackers Guild to make their move on us.

I was getting frustrated with work at 10x, but a simple switch in attitude has made all the difference. Whereas once we thought we’d be going under,I think that we’ll be alright there.

Aside from work (which I’m glad to say I’m learning to love and gaining the work ethic that I have thought I didn’t have) I just got back from Havasupai in Arizona. Ohhhhh…such a sweet trip. I improved some friendships and made some new ones. It’s interesting how first impressions can be totally changed with a little effort to get to know someone. I felt very rewarded on that trip to get to know a new friend. Such a sweetheart.

I’ve been going out with a girl the last couple of weeks. She’s very sweet and fun to be with. We’ve had some great times already. I really enjoy getting to know her. Don’t EVEN assume though that you know what’s going on, I prefer people asking me how I feel, NOT them making stuff up about me and telling their friend and dogs about it. Thank you for your cooperation(not referring to the two people that asked me when the heck I was going to post to my blog again).

So, bottom line, I’ve been too busy to watch House, M.D. and have been realigning and finding much joy in life as I seek to humble myself and make life easier for others. I’ll start school again next week. I’ll need to cut out some things I’m currently doing if I’m going to finish things up this semester. I’ll start premed classes in the Spring of next year.

4 thoughts on “The Latest”

  1. Thanks for the update Ryan! Sounds like you are a busy body! (and you even had time to help little old me yesterday…THANK YOU btw).

    Good luck with all the stuff going on in your life Ry!

  2. Ryan–I know I am one of those people, just like you said “You know who you are.” Sounds like you are super busy. I hope that when school starts you can juggle all that is on your plate.

    Love you much–
    Take care

  3. Girls, I love you both! Thanks so much for being my sisters. Whether or not we chose each other before we came to earth, I choose you now and am grateful to call you my sisters and friends!

  4. Oh Ry you are too sweet. I am not sure I would have chosen you when we were kids, but sure–now is great!! 😉 I love you too. Keep on bloggin’

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