Tag Archives: Whole Foods

First Week In Los Angeles

Disney Parks and Resorts Logo
Today I start my first full week of working with Disney as an SEO Analyst. I drove out last Tuesday and started my first day on Wednesday, the 29th of February (that magical day that comes but once every 4 years). I have been grateful for the opportunity to move to the Los Angeles area and connect with some great people. I have much appreciated the friends that have introduced me to those in the area.

My first few days at work was mainly getting my bearings (still getting them), setting up my computer and going to meetings. I did get two tasks and felt illy prepared for both of them. They were simple tasks, so I’m not totally sure why I started to get nervous. I think it just boiled down to not having a set process, not understanding fully what the bigger picture on the project was and just lots of new information. I was even going to do some work on Saturday. But my manager refused to let me do that my first week here.

I have to admit, I was a bit torn. I had very high hopes of rocking the Disney world from day 1. So, I wanted to make sure to show that that I could do what I was assigned, ya know, put the best foot forward and all that. I slowed down and realized that the world’s not going to end and I am still going to rock Disney, so no need to stress out.

So, I went to meet Scott & Lisa, a young LDS couple that a friend referred me to that were house sitting his parents Glendale house while they are on a mission in San Diego. They have an upstairs room that they let me rent out until I find a solid place to live. They’ve been very gracious and the price is very reasonable, especially for my own room and bathroom in a house.

Santa Monica - Venice Beach - VolleyballSo, to begin my awesome weekend in “SoCal,” I went down to Venice beach in Santa Monica on Saturday morning and played some sand volleyball. I was just about to pass it up because I’ve had this “I don’t wanna get lost in L.A.” fear, but surprisingly getting around isn’t as bad as my mind made it out to be. Sure the roads all have names and I can’t just take an address and find it like in Utah, but I’ve taken a couple wrong turns already and simply turn around and find where I’m going. It’s kinda cool. PLUS, to keep me company in the car I have Harry Potter 4 playing…since I didn’t finish it on the 10 HOUR DRIVE DOWN…Long book!

The beach was great and afterwards we all went to get a bite to eat at Whole Foods on Rose…yup, one of the ones where Whole Foods Parking Lot was filmed. I couldn’t help but loudly declare upon arriving that “this was the place” to fellow parking lot attendees. I even made sure to tell a hybrid driver to not take my spot :). After my $23 salad I had to chuckle because I now knew what it was like to “pay my 80 bucks for six things and I’m out!” All in all, I had a great time getting real in the Whole Foods parking lot. It was also fun to make Sandra laugh.

On Sunday I went the Glendale 9th Branch, met some cool new people and some of the ones that I’d communicated with before going. I guess there are also a handful of LDS people in the area that work for Disney. That’s cool.

After church I drove around the neighborhoods above Glenoaks and was completely amazed at just how beautiful all the homes were. The weather is great now and I’m lovin’ it!

I’ve felt very supported, both by the friends and family I left and by friends who told me I’d love the area. It was great to have a job working for The Wellness Warrior for the first two months of this year, it gave me some confidence and direction along with some extra cash. I also totally enjoyed staying with my sis and her family. I think I watched Wall-E about 8 times and drank about 20 carrots with the new juicer they got.

It’s been good to be out here so far and I’m looking forward to some amazingly great things!