Tag Archives: tweets

Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • is outside playin a little ladder golf! Ahh, the warmth! #
  • is goin longboarding Thurs @ 4 in Provo Canyon. Anyone’s welcome to join, just call me. #
  • Tonight’s Common Sense topic: The most promising method of securing a virtuous and morally stable people is to elect virtuous leaders. 8:30 #
  • had a good time boardin! #
  • …E Holland: because of the atonement…we will NEVER be left alone nor unaided, even if at times you feel that you are #ldsconf #
  • …Pres. Monson: Sun morn – Wow! Such stories! Don’t fear, the future is as bright as your faith! #ldsconf #
  • asks wky the flag’s at half mast. #

Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • is LOVING the rain! What could a desert use more than rain? #
  • headed down to the Tea Party on Provo Center St. #
  • Just walked outside for the first time today since this morning. Snow’s such an AWESOME surprise! #
  • will report on the signs he’s seeing… #
  • Stop generational theft #
  • Wake up silent majority #
  • Give me liberty, not debt #
  • Now Playing: socialism – Coming Soon: communism #
  • Your choice: 1776 or 1984 #
  • Don’t tax me bro! #
  • Socialism: your tax dollars at work for those who won’t #
  • Debt is the problem. How can it be the solution too? #
  • I am not your ATM! #
  • Revoke congress’s Visa #
  • Fiscal responsibillity is the new counter culture #
  • Reward success, not failure! #
  • The course of history shows that as government grows liberty decreases – Thomas Jefferson #
  • They missed me with abortion now they’re trying to kill me with taxes. #
  • In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children. – Moroni #
  • No more taxation without deliberration. #
  • Keep the “Change” #
  • Government OF the people not OVER the people! #
  • Honk if I’m paying your mortgage. #
  • Ignore your rights and they will go away. #
  • $11 trillion and climbing. Now that’s a lot of change. #
  • Not Republicans. Not Democrats. We the people! #
  • Can we bankrupt America? Yes We Can! #
  • Honest Change: The Constitution #
  • Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it. #
  • Here’s a novel idea: a congressman who reads a bill before voting on it! #
  • Too bad they don’t have a morning agfter pill for elections! #
  • What would Jefferson do? #
  • No government ponzi schemes. #
  • Please fix the crack in my liberty bell. #
  • End the Fed! #
  • “All men are created equal” does not mean equal things for all and has never come to pass through socialism. #
  • http://www.OneFeatherAtaTime.com #
  • http://www.Utah912.com #
  • Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish an you set him free! #
  • “A government big enough to provide everything you need is big enough to take everything you have” – Thomas Jeffereson #
  • “Govnt is not reason. Govnt is not eloquence. Govnt is brute force. Govnt is like fire. It is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” … #
  • Here’s one from Angie “I give them correct principles and they govern themselves” – Joseph Smith #
  • apologizes to all his friends who were on Facebook from 6:28 and 7:25 yesterday and couldn’t see any status updates but mine. It’s all over! #
  • says after last night I realize there’s a lot I need to learn about the constitution and how our country works. #
  • thinks he’ll go skiing today. It’s been a while. #
  • remembers why he loves skiing so much! Wet snow, but fun! #

Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • likes House more than USC winning. #
  • likes House more than UNC winning too. #
  • is gonna go climbing @ 4:30 and watch the sunday sessions of conference @ 7. Call if ya wanna join me 361-5002 #
  • just read Part I of The 5000 Year Leap. WOW! The Founding Fathers really comsidered A LOT that we have forgotten in modern America. Return! #
  • RT @ioventures: “If Shakespeare Could Blog…” Free Workshop on Blogging Apr 10th @ 12. RSVP to Ryan: 800-369-6416 or ryan@ioventuresinc.com #
  • is longboarding down Provo Canyon. It’s been too long! #
  • S Maddie #
  • thanks Maddie, the random and kind girl who took us back up to Vivian when we left our lower lot keys in the upper lot car. 🙂 Good times! #
  • learned principle 1 tonight: “The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law” – powerful. #
  • invites anyone interested in learning how to make money blogging to come to his workshop @ 12. #
  • just settled in to watch As You Like It @ the Hale Center Theater. #
  • sucks melancholy from songs like a weasel sucks eggs! #
  • has a group goin to a house concert w Debra Fotheringham @ 630. Call me if ya wanna join us! #
  • had an AMAZINGLY sweet time @ the Raining Jane house concert. Debra Fotheringham rocked. Stephanie Smith was sweet n Mona…ah dear Mona! #

Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • is reviewing his 2008 goals & setting new ones. It’s been a while since I’ve looked @ these. 4 marathons, buy a house, prac piano daily 🙂 #
  • feels much better after a run & some bouldering. Now off for some Korean food w/ an old mission comp! Much better than a lawsuit 🙂 #
  • just dodged a lawsuit. #
  • just wrapped up Common Sense Group w/ the last stragglers. Let us not look outward for solutions before we look backward to the constitution #
  • is feeling a change of direction coming soon. #
  • asks, “what one question are you seeking an answer to that the Lord can answer during conference?” Then ask, listen and ye shall receive! #
  • loves it when ADD combines with revelation and I spend 3 talks writing ideas for my calling! #
  • just watched Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” w/ some friends. I’d recommend it. #
  • is watchin the last session of Conference w/ Mindy & Ben. #