Tag Archives: skydiving

I’ve Been Sky Diving…

It could have come to mind at any time in my life I guess, but turning 30 just seemed like the right time to make it real.

I had been telling people about my plans for perhaps six months at this point and had several express interest in going with me. So when I finally put out the invitation and the date spots filled up quickly.

When I announced that I was actually going I had many people say, “I hope you don’t die!” or something to that affect. However, I think it’s rather interesting that I never hear that when I tell them I’m heading off to work, in my car, on the road, with other drivers. I mean, we saw two accidents on the freeway on our way up to Ogden that morning. Anyhow, I’d really like to see some stats that show skydiving is inherently more dangerous than driving.

When we arrived we took a very small lesson, perhaps 5 minutes, I thought it’d be much longer than that. Then we split up into four dive teams and the first team tossed on some colorful jumpsuits and strapped on their harnesses.

The first team went up, but due to unsafe weather conditions came down and we weren’t sure if we’d be jumping that day. We waited, played some cards and after about an hour all the rain and foreboding clouds removed themselves from the sky. I think perhaps it was due to Pam’s extreme excitement and countless prayers offered up in our party’s behalf. She wasn’t going to leave without having jumped!

There were several very nervous people jumping with us that day and they all had a great time! I was strangely calm considering we were going to be falling from 13k feet above the ground. In all honesty I did get a little scared. It happened when we were up high and my tandem buddy started tightening the straps, the video jumpers started putting on their helmets and I started to get pushed closer to the open door of the plane.

Once I jumped however, after a split second of adjusting to the fall, I just felt like I was floating, like I was just leaning against a large gust of wind. And perhaps thanks to some showing off for the camera I had lost the fear that just moments before was giving me the shakes.

We free fell for about a minute and then Sugi pulled the ripcord. I did wonder what would happen if my tandem buddy would have been unable to pull it for whatever reason. Once the chute was pulled we did some turns and that’s when I felt the roller-coaster sensation in my stomach. Pretty fun.

All in all, had a blast. Compared to rock climbing my first time though…didn’t hold a candle, though it was good for a little bit of variety. If you’re looking for thrills, perhaps you should go to a theme park. However, if you’re looking to conquer your fear of heights, skydiving is a good option for you. It happened very quickly, but nevertheless a fun experience. It was kind of like the Indiana Jones ride at Disney Land, very good, but altogether over too quickly.

Dangerous? Yeah, probably. Worth it? Most likely. I’d suggest it to anyone who’s thought of doing it but has been scared. Get a group of good friends and do it.

Here’s some audios & pics of me and the group before and after the jump:

I had a neat experience that day as we were driving home and some soft classical music played on the radio. I felt a peace that I can only say I’ve felt most often in the temple. I was going to say something to those in the car, but for some reason I felt alright just enjoying it. It was a beautiful contrast from the feeling of just having accomplished a life goal.