Tag Archives: purity

Opening Our Hearts – Elder Gerald N. Lund

The Holy Ghost is a precious gift…

  • Do I harden my heart? Then I’ll receive LESS of the Lord’s word.
  • Do I soften my heart? Then I’ll receive MORE of the Lord’s word.

Responsibilities of the Holy Spirit…

comforts, teaches, warns, enlightens and inspires us.

It will show unto you ALL things what you should do.

How the Holy Ghost Speaks…

He whispereth

– to hearts
– to mind

  • Do I want to be visited by the Holy Ghost?
  • Do I want the Lord to draw near unto me?
  • Do I want joy and consolation in my life?

Then I must carefully assess the condition of my heart. It is one of the most important things I can do in this life.

The heart is a tender place. It is sensitive to many influences. It can be:

  • softened by love
  • hardened by sin (Moroni 10:22)
  • hurt by others

to protect our precious gift of agency: Holy Ghost carries messages TO the heart, but not INTO it….

State of a Heart necessary to feel the Holy Spirit: Purity

When my heart’s on the things of the world…

  • I seek to hide my sins
  • I seek vain ambitions over the things of God
  • I seek unrighteous dominion

+ This is pride

The condition of my heart directly affects the things of the Spirit….this is why anger, bitterness, blame, frustration can leave me feeling empty.


Sachi’s thoughts on Opening Our Hearts