Someday Never Comes – Thoughts on Procrastination

In Elder Donald L. Hallstrom’s recent conference talk entitled “Do it Now ” two concepts stood out to me as I thought about my life experiences and the importance of not procrastinating.

Many of us place ourselves in circumstances far more consequential than embarrassment because of our procrastination to become fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ . We know what is right, but we delay full spiritual involvement because of laziness, fear, rationalization, or lack of faith. We convince ourselves that “someday I’m going to do it.” However, for many “someday” never comes, and even for others who eventually do make a change, there is an irretrievable loss of progress and surely regression.

Now is the time to exercise our faith . Now is the time to commit to righteousness. Now is the time to do whatever is required to resolve our undesired circumstances. Now is the time to reconcile with God through the merciful process of change afforded us by the Redeemer of mankind.

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I recall the Credence Clearwater Revival song entitled Someday Never Comes. I remember hearing it and not thinking much about it at the time. Later on in my life I’ve recalled the message of that song several times. The point, the things we put off will never be achieved.

The gospel is important to me and I’ve often put off full conversion. Morning communion with my Father in Heaven is one thing that has seen me through many a hard time. He’s always there when I hurt, even if he seems so far away. I know he’s there.

One thought on “Someday Never Comes – Thoughts on Procrastination”

  1. Ry-

    I know what you mean. I always find when I have my morning scriptures, I have a much better day which leads to a much better life!!

    Love you-

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