Runner’s Update


So I’ve got this silly/crazy idea in my head, yeah? I read the other day about two clubs that set a goal to run a marathon in EVERY STATE. One does every state plus DC. The other is all 50 States minus DC. So, I was curious when I caught up to a guy at the end of the St. George Marathon and he had a shirt that said he had done that. I talked with him a bit while we ran. He said it was something like his 230th marathon….can you say “SU-WEET”? Uh, cuz I can.

I’ve set my training program down for the Salt Lake Marathon on June 3rd, but I am just thinkin’ that I may do one before that too…as well as one after that. I’ve looked into some races in CA and AZ. But the race that is consuming my mind more than others at this point is our 12 man, 170 mile relay! WA-HOO. So, people are gettin’ on our team and we’ll soon have the full 12. That will be a sweet day. Some good friends are running it with us, so I’m very excited for it, even though it’s at the end of June.

Other news: Murph Dog created a running club at BYU and the coaches there are actually setting out the training schedule for several different levels of running groups. They’ll bring in pro-runner speakers for seminars and some other cool things. There’s already 75 members as of last night and it JUST BEGAN! Nice.

Well, that’s it for now friends. Thanks for all of your emails about how you’re doing. I really appreciate them all.



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