Review: Juiced! The Healthy Way

I just got done reading a short e-book by Kevin and Annmarie Gianni. It came with my purchase of the documentary food matters. I had sheltered away like many of my hundreds of books, but after a great conversation tonight with the wonderful “Amber Jo” about her experience going on a raw food diet I decided to pull it out and read about juicing.

I’ll be honest I didn’t know much about juicing before read this book. In fact, I thought the juicing was the same as making this smoothie. The most I had heard about juicing was that Dr. Gerson used it to help cure certain cancer patients. It was a quick read and a good introduction to the topic of juicing.

I learned that the difference is the juicing removes the fibers from the fruits and vegetables allowing the nutrients a much easier path to absorption your digestive tract. Smoothies on the other hand retained the fibers which slows down digestion.

I learned that you can juice fruits and vegetables with the blunder and simply strain them afterward. I learned that there are certain things that don’t use very well. For example strawberries, avocados, bananas, blueberries, cherries and kiwis don’t yield much juice. I’ve learned that certain juices are used for their unique benefits.while it wasn’t in-depth enough help me diagnose and treat somebody to certain elements, I definitely understood that it’s not as difficult as I thought it would be to begin juicing.

Kevin & Annemarie talk about the difference between a juice fast and a juice feast. Fasting is all about limiting your intake juices alone. The purpose of the fastest typically for detoxification. I got the impression that it doesn’t last much longer than around a week. A feast on the other hand is all about flooding your body with its nutrient and caloric necessities for the day. 92 days was the. It suggested for a feast.

I thought it was particularly cool they were careful to add cautions about when you should and shouldn’t do a juice fast. Consulting with a physician if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding, anemic, suffer from hypothyroidism or have a chronic degenerative disease was suggested.there were also cool to insist that you didn’t need to go out and buy a juicer in order to start enjoying the benefits of juicing.

The book was very well laid out and visually appealing. They reviewed different types of juicers, what they’re good for and where they fall short. They introduced detoxification and mentioned several who have used juice based diets to give the body the proper milieu for healing itself. they mentioned Dr. Max Gerson who I’ve come across recently in the documentary the beautiful truth.

In all I thought it was a great first look at what juicing is how to start slowly incorporating juicing into your eating habits so as to make juicing a success for you.

You can check out their website at or I found a cool seven-day detox challenge that they offer. They also have a section I’d like to check out under the Health Resources tad at the top. I clicked on Most Popular and found what looked like a treasure trove. I snagged his free report on what the FDA reported is in our foods. Cool. Just to be transparent here I signed up for their affiliate program after looking at their website and the great resources that offer. Don’t feel pressured in any way to buy anything from them. They have plenty of free educational materials to help you understand your health. If you want to see a copy of my Juiced! book, I can share it with you. It has a bunch of recipes for juices if you’re interested, but don’t know where to start.

(I wrote this post with Dragon Naturally Speaking with quick & minimal edits. So please excuse any mistakes! 🙂 )

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