Restoring Faith in the Family

Elder Kenneth Johnson
Of the Seventy

“Stable families provide the fabric that holds society together, benefiting all mankind, even those who may feel they live in less-favorable circumstances.”

There have been a handful or two times in this life where I have felt so overwhelmed with the Spirit of God that both His existence and the truth of the moment were undeniable. I consider those times my “tender mercies” from a loving Father. Most of those treasured moments have been experienced when I have been taught truth about the importance of the family. They are precious and special to me.

“Although spiritual truths may appear less tangible, to the humble heart their impact is undeniable.”

I have also had many moments of quiet peace in which I realize small and simple truths that help support the deeply personal moments I mention above. I cherish those moments as well and feel the Lord teaching me line upon line and precept on precept. Each time I am quiet enough and ready to hear these soft impressions I have a calm sense of gratitide because I know that my Father in Heaven loves me, is mindful of me and delights in teaching me things of eternal significance.

The things of eternity can only be taught by the Spirit. When we learn things that way, we have eternal truths imprinted on our souls, never to be forgotten. Elder Kenneth Johnson of the Seventy spoke humbly and gratefully about gaining “an appreciation for the core values that are necessary for the development of a sound character.” I’m sure in his home atmosphere of love these qualities are some of his most valuable possessions:

Loyalty, dependability, integrity, selfless service, honor, respect for the daughters of God, provident living, dignity of work, ability to make important decisions, accountability, consideration for others, and encouragement to pursue educational opportunities.



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