Preserving a Mighty Change of Heart

I wrote not long ago about my journey to find out the truth of the Book of Mormon for myself. It was intensely powerful and I used to think that because I felt the passion and drive the Book brings that I would always feel it. I’ve since learned that’s not exactly how life works.

If we don’t feed the fire, it dies. Plain and simple. 

The insightful question of jumps from the pages of the Book of Mormon to all those who ever have felt a might change of heart in their searchings for the truth, “can ye feel so now?” (Alma 5:26) I just read an article entitled Preserving the Heart’s Mighty Change that helped me to think again about the answer to that question. Here were some of my thoughts:

I used to think myself invincible to learving the Church. My mother had raised me well and I had the habit of attending meetings weekly. Though, as time goes on I realize that I too am suseptable to walking away, losing the fire, letting worldly ideas convince me that there’s no God or that I am not divine and his child and am just as well off out of the Church as I am in it. Because there are daily attacks on the state of my heart, I must be careful to do those things daily that defend & protect my heart from the ever so imperceptable hardening, damagina and deadening of those slow and steady attacks.

If you’d like to feel the power of the God’s word through his living prophets and apostles I’d like to invite you to join me and many others to study a talk a week in a facebook group called Walk The Talk. It’s low key and there’s no pressure. You can go here

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