Obatman & Rahmbin

Rahm Emanuel accepts Obama’s offer to serve as his White House chief of staff, a position that the Chicago Tribune says “is … one of the highest-profile in any administration, routinely putting the person behind the podium on television screens worldwide.”

A quick snapshot of Emanuel’s history:

  • ’93 Served as a top White House adviser under President Clinton until 1998
  • ’98 Returned to Chicago to work for the investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
  • ’02 Elected to Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District
  • ’06 Led Democrats to victory that restored party control of the House after 12 years

A couple thoughts about Rahm from NPR and and AP story:

  • Old friend of Obama’s from Illinois
  • Known as a pitbull that could balance out Obama more gentle nature
  • Was aspiring to become speaker of the house

I have never heard of Rahm until the other day. I don’t know anything about him, but as he will be Obama’s right hand man, seems pretty important to start learning about him and keeping my eyes open to what he’s doing.

Here’s a couple places I’ll be looking to learn more about Rahm Emanuel:

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