Obama’s Nation

A new day dawns in America. It’s a day of sorrow for some. For others it’s a day of triumph. For all, it’s a day of moving forward and healing a broken nation.

  • Barack Obama: A speech that will for sure go down in history. Tears flowed for many. Change seems like it’s on the horizon. So many believe in the words of the U.S.’s new president elect, Obama.
  • John McCain: A humble McCain concedes defeat. I’m glad I can remember him like this and not with the negativity he exibited during the election.
  • President George W. Bush: Unity encouraged.
  • Britian’s Prime Minister Brown:

Hope & Change: The man has that has captured the hearts of many of America’s next generation. He seems to represent an emerging new world ideology. He’s got soul. I just can’t imagine a video like this being  created by created for George Bush. Some call it a personality cult.

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