MySpace Sued for Failing to Protect Minors

MySpace Sued for Failing to Protect Minors

Wow! I don’t think I’ve read a thread like this in a long time. This has gotten me so riled up and as I read each comment on the trial I couldn’t help but think of Jack Johnson‘s song entitled “Cookie Jar“. The bottom line is that every is blaming everyone else for the ills that exist in society and in the very process of doing so they all are shirking their own responsibilities.

If there’s a problem it’s ALL our faults. It’s not the website owner alone, it’s not the little girl that gets online and reveals her personal information alone, it’s not merely a parental breakdown.; Every person is involved and is responsible. If you hear about it and go about your way without committing to make things better for someone else in some other way…it’s YOUR fault, YOU’RE TO BLAME.

Jack Johnson
Cookie Jar

I would turn on the TV but it’s so embarrasing
To see all the other people I don’t know that they mean
It was magic at first when they spoke without sound
And now this world is gonna hurt you better turn that thing down
Turn it around

“It wasn’t me”, says the boy with the gun
“Sure I pulled the trigger but it needed to be done
Cause life’s been killing me and the censor begun
You cant blame me cause I’m too young”

“You can’t blame me sure the killer was my son
But I didn’t teach him to pull the trigger of the gun
It’s the killer on this TV screen
You cant blame me its those images he seen”

Well “You can’t blame me”, says the media man
Well “I wasn’t the one who came up with the plan
I just filled my camera with what the people want to see
Man it’s a two way mirror and you cant blame me”

“You can’t blame me”, says the singer of the song
Or the maker of the movie which he based his life on
“It’s only entertainment and as anyone can see
The smoke machines and makeup
Hey you cant fool me”

It was you it was me it was every man
We’ve all got the blood on our hands
We only receive what we demand
And if we want hell then hells what well have

And I would turn on the TV
But its so embarrassing
To see all the other people
I don’t even know that they mean
And it was magic at first
But it let everyone down
And now this world is gonna hurt
You better turn it around
Turn it around


There are so many ways to make a difference. Go out and find them!

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