My Words Never Cease

I’d like to dedicate this post to my friend Charles.

It’s been a little while since I took some time to get out of myself. The other week I stepped out of my usual self-absorbed role to wear the hat of a missionary again. Our ward mission leader had asked for several ward members to go to the Missionary Training Center to spend some time in the referral center. This is where those who see or hear one of the Church’s ads can call in and request a free Bible, Book of Mormon or church video.

I opted that evening to help with the chat feature and was lucky enough to get a 26 old man from FL. He was kind in his questioning and I talked with him the entire hour that I was there. I appeared to answer his questions to his satisfaction as he would say “I believe that too” after I answered.

As Charles and I chatted with one another this talk by Elder Holland came to my mind. We talked about prophets and the necessity of revelation in our day. I felt a strong spirit of goodness as I testified to him that I know that God loves us as much as his children in any age of time.

Elder Holland speaks powerfully about the misconceptions behind LDS not being Christian. A definite MUST watch for anyone looking to get to the bottom of this topic.

I believe that God speaks to us and that he wants to speak to anyone willing to seek him out. Truly the invitation, “Seek and ye shall find” is real. This is how I will Walk the Talk…I will show that I know my Father’s words never cease by recommitting to study them daily. I often come to this point and I’ll keep doing it until it becomes part of my daily habit and until I crave the word of the Lord and it is part of me in every way.

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