If hearts could be gold
The treasure to be found
Within a mother’s love
Would vast coffers make quite sound
Her words speak hope and confidence
They lift and build and grow
Each one so blessed to be called her child
Does such inspiring words surely know
Her prayers do rally heaven
When in fear her children flee
The Lord dispatches legions
Each time she raises need
Her songs bring peace to troubled hearts
The melody she raises, so sweet
Each tune, each strain, each heartfelt note
With no worldly verse competes
Her devotion is divine
Her affections are sure true
Consistency her haulmark
All things she appears to do
With nothing less than teary eyes
I thank those mothers kind
Who, like angels, have shared their hearts with me
And in whom I can God’s love find
– K. Arthur
She’s really cool because she just like relates to me really well!