Motherhood & Imagination

It’s so neat to see the creativity of children. They seem to pull straight from the depths of their souls. They are a handful at times, but brilliant! I have so much respect for mothers and each time I get a chance to tend my nephews and/or niece I find a new respect for my sisters, their mothers. Hats off to the mothers of this world who make such a difference in the lives of their children and in mine. I love you Iss. I love you Mindy. I love you Ma!
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3 thoughts on “Motherhood & Imagination”

  1. Thanks, Ry! Yes, I was thinking on my way back home today of the many things I could have done differently when I was raising you kids! I am sorry that I didn’t give 100% like I should have! That is why it is so important to have yourself put together well before you have to give to others. It makes for a much better deal! Someday you will have some of your own…I hope you learn from others’ mistakes! I love you!

  2. Mom, there’s definitely no blame to place. We all go through life learning as we go. If we needed to already have it all together before trying anything, nothing would ever get done!

    I am so happy for having you as my mom! Thank you for your example of faithfulness. It’s been a great strength to me many times.

    I love you so much!


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