
Back by popular request…well, alright, I just wanted to put it up here, but anyhow…it’s an oldie, but a goodie, one that definitely has withstood the test of time…in fact, I think it may be the only one. :o)

Luf, my friend, is all you need
to calm that raging sea.
For it’s luf, with the ‘uf
that makes us you and me.
Now I know it’s hard to ‘uf the luf,
but practice & you will
And when you get that ‘uf in luf
ohhh ~~~ so much better will you feel.
That’s all I have to say for now;
remember, luf is true!
So live each day with ‘uf in luf
and luf will you get too.

Ask me sometime to read it to you…the accent is much of the effect on this one.

5 thoughts on “Luf”

  1. Hmm. I thought that it would be able to be gathered from context. I guess it would help to see me act out it out though. However, I did think that the mere aural similarities between “luf” and another commonly used word would make it understandable outside my silly dramatic interpretation.

    I kinda like it when people get to gather their own meaning from what I write…shows me that they care enough to think about it themselves, rather than have it spoon-fed to them.

    Seek and ye shall find.

  2. Oh, I love it! Many people often forget the simple truth in that concept. I love the format because it expresses it simply, yet only those whose minds are in the right thought pattern understand. 🙂 Definitely a goodie.

    1. Allie, thanks!! I too like it because of it’s simplicity. It came at an important time of my life and in response to thinking about a loved one’s trials. Feel free to spread it around. 🙂

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