Lifestream for Week Ending on September 2nd

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Blog Post: Lifestream for Week Ending on August 26th [kingryanarthur]
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Listened to 5 songs.
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had an amazing Common Sense tonight discussing Zion’s covenant society vs socialism/capitalism. The ONLY answer to 1984. [kingryanarthur]
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Listened to 5 songs.
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wonders how one reconciles the bravery of the armed forces and the injustice of the wars in which they fight? [kingryanarthur]
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loves that Aaron Copland is the intro music for the speakers @ the Restoring Honor Rally. [kingryanarthur]
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"Hope must be based in truth and honor" [kingryanarthur]
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"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." [kingryanarthur]
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"That which you gaze upon, you become." [kingryanarthur]
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"We must look to God and look to love. Our values and our principles can unite us." [kingryanarthur]
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@redinfinity to some it may be, to others it was nothing ever than a nation guided by divine providence from day one until now. God Bless! [kingryanarthur]
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@MattBinder God Bless brother. I’m sure your heart is pure. [kingryanarthur]
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@ipressit funny comment about racism, did you watch it? It was completely about unity. God bless. [kingryanarthur]
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@argylestyle Not sure if you caught that Beck requested money for a vets organization, not himself. God bless. [kingryanarthur]
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@Adam_NYC Ha! That’s the way it seems when you look at the live twitter updates for "restore honor" [kingryanarthur]
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@mutgoff Just a little history: 1st amendment = freedom OF religion, not from it. The important division is to not require it for office. [kingryanarthur]
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heard BBC say the IPCC (UN’s expert on climate change) made errors on glacier melt, systemic of larger problems. Odd. [kingryanarthur]

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