Lifestream for Week Ending on April 18th

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New blog post: Lifestream for Week Ending on April 11th [kingryanarthur]
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has just had a super life-defining moment. I’ve been given the gift of insight into my ADD! I’ll post the poem later. [kingryanarthur]
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I liked a YouTube video — Bob Newhart-Stop It!! [kingryanarthur]
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Listened to 19 songs.
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To my dear friends that may be upset for an hour, sorry. [kingryanarthur]
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"God only requires 10%" [kingryanarthur]
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"Socialism is not Freedom" [kingryanarthur]
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"Choose Freedom not False Security" [kingryanarthur]
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"Is charity really charity if it is forced?" [kingryanarthur]
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"The solution is to take this leviathan of a government by the gills & hack it down to the size of a minnow." Nick Moyes [kingryanarthur]
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"I love my country, but I fear my government" [kingryanarthur]
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"About 70% of Utah is owned by the federal government. This limits our state income, breeding dependence upon fed money" [kingryanarthur]
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"the problem w socialism is, sooner or later you run out of people’s money." [kingryanarthur]
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"No to amnesty! I am hispanic" [kingryanarthur]
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"Two parties. Same result." [kingryanarthur]
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knows someone offering her spot for the Salt Lake Half Marathon tomorrow at 7. Call me if ya want it. $70 [kingryanarthur]

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