Impetus: The Messengers, Season Premiere

The Messengers: Week 1

10 people put out on the Skid Row for 24 hours. They are meant to gather insight into the world of the impoverished. Some greet them with angry voices. Others find in these temporary visitors friends. Either way, they will return to their homes after 24 hours. No, they may never know the full extent of those on the streets. No, they may ne’er come near the broken heart of the lonely…no, not only lonely, but the chronically so. However, their voices can return to “another land” and carry with them power. Will they do so? Were they touched enough to invoke change in their hearers? Could they bring back with them power to move me?

Several touched my heart:



I look upon you and I think…
I think I know your world
But I see your world through me
The world I see is me

Is there another truth
A truth that exists outside me?

Do you see ME as I am?
Can I see YOU as you are?
Let’s try


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