Come to your senses man!

So, I’ve been thinking ever since I got back from the cruise, “This room is so messy that it’s clogging your brain!” It makes me think of how our surroundings, when clean, and organized can help lead us to similar thoughts and lay the foundation for the same in our actions.

I am realizing too just how important ongoing planning and review of my life is if I’m to come to any sort of control over where I want it to go. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that gets distracted by this and that. Our modern world provides for us so many ways to go and so many options of just about everything. There was a study done that suggested fewer options presented to shoppers would actually increase sales. The implication here is that too many choices can inhibit action.

I think there’s something there that can help us understand life better. This morning when I woke up, as is common for me recently, I was in a bit of a daze. I wasn’t sure what to do. I think a word that describes it best is aimless. So quite habitually I arose and began to do the first thing that came to my mind and then the phrase “first things first” popped into my mind. Immediately a list of my goals and priorities filled my mind and I again had direction.

I also had an accompanying glimpse into my future this morning. I was the same as I was now. Still had the same problems. Still had the same patterns and thoughts. Combining with the clarity of my hopes, desires and goals this little picture prompted the question, “When are you going to change?”

I could not hide from the answer that seemed to stand outside of myself with confidence and authority. The answer was, “the only time you have is now.” I couldn’t deny that if I wanted to. The reality of that moment was inescapable: Now is the time to DO. If I dispise the future I saw, then it’s time, even now, to change it!

I thank my Father in Heaven. I’m so spacey at times. I feel His loving hand reach me at times that I am stubborn and foolish. My thanks to him is my action. I pray it’s holy and sacred and lets him see my desire to serve him.

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