Category Archives: Utterz
Little Family of Moosen on The Alaska Railroad
I’m not narrating much because there are people crowding the windows, but on the Coastal Classic Train from Seward to Anchorage we saw a four moosen running around in a field. An eagle was feeding its baby in a tall tree’s nest as well.
Quota Filled:…2202300003
The Alaska Railroad:
Coastal Classic Train:…c1036.html
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Moose’s Tooth Pizza
Mindy ranted and raved about the Moose’s Tooth ever since we started talking about going up to Anchorage. It’s a pub and pizzeria. It was packed when we went after the Coastal Trail bike ride.
After about 50 minutes we snagged our Spicy Chicken Picante & Popeye pizzas. It started to rain and life was good.
Pic from:…811294961/
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Float Planes on Lake Hood
Team Moose’s Tooth makes their approach to Lake Spenard and the worlds largest floatplane sea base in the world (…plane_Base)
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Baby Moose on Coastal Trail.
Biking just past Point Woronzof on the Coastal Trail in Anchorage, Alaska we came upon a random baby moose chillin just by the bike trail. He’s pretty nice and we don’t see his mommy around so it lets Kamie Jo get very close to it to snap some camera phone pics. Pretty close one! 😉
We’ll get the real pics up soon, but in the meantime, our little guy pretty much was lookin like the photo you see.
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