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Receiving Personal Revelation from General Conference (Audio Post)


An institute teacher once gave me a great way to receive revelation from General Conference. Ever since I have followed something similar and have been amazed at just how much the Lord has to tell me.

Briefly, the steps are as follows:

  1. Quietly ponder my life & come up with some questions I feel I need answers to
  2. Take the questions, a notepad & ears to hear to Conference
  3. Write down any words or impressions (thoughts or feelings) that stand out to you
  4. As soon as possible, put those into practice

By following this simple, yet powerful method of communining with the Source of all truth & goodness we put ourselves in a possition to receive even more. Ask & ye shall receive. To those that hath, I will give more.

As a sidenote, I was listening to the Secret on CD this morning as I exercised and in its words, though no mention of “God” was made, I knew that the simple method prescribed was a true process:

  1. Ask
  2. Believe
  3. Receive

This morning’s session has already filled me with a great calm and exciting assurance that God is walking with me on my path of life. For that I am grateful. Once I was blind, but now I see. May he sustain that sight for me and you. God bless!

Ryan Mendenhall @kingryanarthur Ryan Mendenhall
4 Steps to Revelation: 1) desire it 2) ask for it 3) listen for it 4) act on it

28 Sep via txt

Cussing for God

We had come from out of town to ascend & lay eyes on the much spoken of Angel’s Landing in Zion. Marcello and I had each invited a girl; he a proper & petite gal named Rebecca & I the great & gregarious (and previous) Kate Nichols. We stayed at my mother & step father’s place in Hurricane while down there. It was to be the girls’ first encounter with my mother, but not one easily forgotten.

The first morning there we woke up and decided to read scriptures together. It was a good study, complete with heartfelt insights. My mother came in and Marcello invited her to join our little morning devotional, and I’m glad he did. I have a feeling the glad was enjoyed by all.

Kneeling around a meticulously kept, five-sheeted, raised bed with decorative pillows in the guest room, we closed our study with prayer. No sooner had we raised our heads from addressing the God of the universe when my mother said she was reminded of a story, or rather a quote, she had heard earlier that week, in church I believe it was.

The thought came to her as if by revelation, or at the very least inspiration. So there, on the tail end of our spiritually edifying meeting, perched on the edge of the bed, we all leaned forward to pay particular attention to words this wise sage of a woman was about to speak.

She spoken slowly to make sure she got them correct, “Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan says “Oh sh**! She’s awake!”

…wide-eyed and with a slight smile cracking on each of our faces at the prayer bedside we froze to assess. There in that split second of stillness we each considered what was said, evaluated the effects that laughter would have on our souls and apparently all decided that sometimes (at the very least, this time) cussing for God is an appropriate manifestation of one’s devotion to him who created our spirits and gave us life.

We filled the room with hearty amusement and punctuated our morning with a rare glimpse into the dedication of my mother to her Heavenly Father. I guess John Mayer summed it up best in one of my favorite songs, “Say what you need to say.” Ha!

I love you Ma! Thanks for making me smile, one thing I’m not sure I could live without.


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