I just directed Blogger to upload my posts to my new domain name: www.kingryanarthur.com. We’re going to see if we can’t fix the archiving feature.
Category Archives: State of the Art
If God Could Blog from Heaven
If God were a blogger in heaven and blogged his point of view
Do you think we’d see the folly of the many things we do?
He may blog of similar issues that Earth’s leaders do debate
Of rights and fights and freedoms and the union of our state
With loving words and a special font I’m sure he’d teach us how
Though the nature of the flesh is such that we often stand when we should bow
Would his domain receive a PageRank that pushed a 9 or 10?
Or would we link to other websites like Homestar and CNN?
And in our favorites and cookies would we find foremost God’s Blog
Or would those files be resigned to archives on unused server logs?
Truthfully, The Man doth speak and his words are found today
And a blog is neat, but not requisite, to hear them and obey
So bookmark now this techie’s thought of the need for God to blog
And when you think that God’s not real don’t check your server log
Just find a time to be alone, to listen and be still
And in those quiet moments you will feel your Father’s will
His love is there. His peace is real. No earthly good can ‘er replace
The power and the beauty of God’s Word to Human Race
by R. Arthur Mendenhall
Reflections on the Power of Thought
by Ryan Mendenhall
Almost childlike I instinctively reach for a book.
I take it and the thought of possessing it sooooths me…
comes the voice of that energy.
I want, I need and soon I have
a bright, shinny book, with only mild thought of price.
They contain answers.
They are my medicine.
In them I find respite and in them I can stop the pain of personal experience.
I know this and just the thought, not even the reading of it, calms me when I hunger.
On my shelf now.
The book is my medicine.
Maslow’s Motivations
Courses: “Abraham Maslow (1954; 1970) researched into human motivation. He saw that there are several levels of human motivational needs which must be addressed if effective learning is to take place. These are as follows:
Biological needs – water, food, elimination, rest, warmth, avoidance of pain, etc.,
Safety needs – protection from the physical and social environment, protection from danger
Love and belonging needs – love and acceptance through relationships, group membership, friendship, etc.,
Esteem needs – achievement, competence, approval, recognition, prestige, status
Self actualisation – personal growth, and the development of our unique potentials. Also cognitive understanding and aesthetic experience “