Category Archives: State of the Art

The True Beauty and Power of Women

“Sisters, we, your brethren, cannot do what you were divinely designated to do from before the foundation of the world. We may try, but we cannot ever hope to replicate your unique gifts. There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman.” (M. Russell Ballard, “Mothers and Daughters,” Liahona, May 2010, 18–21)

To my mind this morning was brought, like settling dews on the morning grass, the extreme and simple beauty that women have brought into my life over the years. I have been more richly blessed by “the most precious element of a woman’s divine nature—the nature to nurture” (Ballard) than I think I can even realize.

I have been honored to date over time a handful of girls who have exemplified the love of the savior in their hearts and actions. They have opened an otherwise closed boy and have helped to bring about change in his heart, helping him correct his course and remain faithful.

Friends (girls) of whom I can only describe our meetings and relationships as divinely appointed, have nurtured me, instinctively, in my times of need, giving me courage and belief to get back up, dust off and to try again with love for myself. It’s these moments that have filled my soul with possibility and vision of who I really am. It’s these small interactions that have made me greater than I could have ever been without it.

Guidance from many Spirit-led women has richly blessed my life. From speakers, to church leaders, to my grandmothers & most importantly my own mother, I have been lifted time and time again on the wings of angels who had no other desire than to help me believe that the seemingly impossible I face is but only a small step in a much grander masterpiece that God making in me.

Even the men who have blessed my life with similar love, encouragement & teaching have done so with a confidence born of familiarity with such “motherly” love, instilled so often by their own mothers, wives, girlfriends & women acquaintances.

It’s been a slow process by which I’m realizing over again the true beauty and power of women. It’s a journey that I am glad to be on, for I have seen over the years the faith of some of my sweetest and most dear friends’ shattered largely due to the poor examples of priesthood holders to which they were married. It’s a man’s responsibility to rule over his wife. But as Elder Hafen taught, “Genesis 3:16 states that Adam is to “rule over” Eve, but this doesn’t make Adam a dictator. A ruler can be a measuring tool that sets standards. Then Adam would live so that others may measure the rightness of their conduct by watching his. Being a ruler is not so much a privilege of power as an obligation to practice what a man preaches. Also, over in “rule over” uses the Hebrew bet, which means ruling with, not ruling over. If a man does exercise “dominion … in any degree of unrighteousness” (D&C 121:37; emphasis added), God terminates that man’s authority.” (Bruce C. Hafen and Marie K. Hafen, “Crossing Thresholds and Becoming Equal Partners,” Liahona, Aug 2007, 26–31)

The goal for the man is to rule in the true meaning of the word, modeling himself after Christ. Christ rules the church with love & diligence in providing for and in protecting & preserving it’s sanctity. A husband is to do the same for his wife. I love the picture painted in the story where Christ is compared to a mother hen who protects her young, covering them when danger is near, even to the point of losing her own life. THIS is the relationship a priesthood holder has with his wife when he understands his sacred duty and her divine nature.

In short, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” (Eph 5:25)

Living in mediocrity has been like living in a darkness. It’s here where I’ve seen myself as worthless, which has done more damage than I could have ever realized. For the way we see & love ourselves, at least in my experience, cannot be contained and kept from tainting how we see & love others. The good women in my life who have lifted me and built me and succored me like the Savior would if he were here deserve a Ryan that sees both them as everything they truly are, beautiful, powerful, creative, loving, divine, holy beings. And to do this I must take my visions from the fountains of eternal life, and not from the gutters of disbelief that line the roads of this mortal coil.

Thank you dear women. I cannot say enough about the good that you are and that you bring into my life. May the Lord bless you to see yourself as he sees you, for THIS is the solution to so many of your problems from low self-esteem, to depressive flurries and fear to bitterness & hate towards my gender. I know that men are rats, but the answer is not to feed them with the scraps of distrust which only perpetuate that lowly state, but to reach into the divinity that’s within each one of you and to lift him and to love him as you have me.

I love you. I need you.


Richard Dawkins, The Faithless and Then Me

So, over the course of my years hear on earth I’ve experienced good friends and family members falling from the faith of their fathers. I used to hear others share stories of this and felt pretty protected from it. I had powerhouse friends, we were solid. We would occasionally do stupid things, but we weren’t going anywhere. This was how it was and this is how it would always be. I was wrong.

Between the moving I did as a kid, a missionary and a college student I would often part with good people whom I had grown to love deeply. Some I have met again and rejoiced as Alma did when he again met with the Sons of Mosiah after some time apart, “and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might known the world of God” (Alma 17:2). Others I have spoken with in sorrow that their faith had waned when the heat of the sun beat down upon them. While not my decision in the end, I have often wondered, what could I have done more to support them through their trials?

Friend after friend has also shared with me similar stories and it’s very interesting to observe in myself what I’ve see happen in others. It’s that thing that starts to happen when we slowly let slip the values and truths that we hold dear. I once was bold and confident to say that going to church has never really been a problem for me. Then I find myself skipping here and there. I wonder if those that left did the same thing early on, when asked where I was, I made up a plausible excuse for my nonattendance.

What is it that makes us shut down with our peers and our people? Why do we retreat when we need to open up? Perhaps it was my overconfidence supported by statements of loved ones praising my faithfulness that allowed me to think I was above the possibility of personal apostasy. Was it this pride that shielded me from the dangers lurking just below the surface of the calm water. All is NOT well in Zion.

I’m not saying that I’ve left the church, because I haven’t. I am saying however, that I recognize just how easily it can happen.

Masterful and sarcastic atheist Richard Dawkins has put much of his life’s attention into repeatedly attempting to convince his fellow apes that there is no such thing as God. I typically come across his stuff in discussions with a good friend or on the web/video when I’m strong in my faith, but he’s the last person I’d like to meet in a dark ally when I’m wallowing in self-pity about my worth as a human being. He and the faithless like him seem to have little compassion for the struggles those of the faithful, likening religion to an common activity like needle point  or some other quaint hobby. Perhaps his parents were killed by believers who put him in a “Brave New World” like reeducation chamber where he was pumped full of medication and repeatedly told that the earth was flat. That would probably get under my skin as well.

But enough with my character assassination. Mr. Dawkins, I apologize, I don’t like to do that.You just represent to me a much bigger idea that’s tormented man from the beginning. I have absolutely no problems with questions, it’s in our nature to seek to know them, but when cynicism and doubt lead to closing off answers rather then letting them in, I see folly. I think on this point we can agree. It may just be in different contexts. By the way, I love science, my mind is always examining the world around me seeking to understand. So again, no hard feelings? Good, let’s do lunch. My treat.

Others who follow Dawkin’s faithless line of thinking have even compared belief in God to a praying to a luck horseshoe. Aside from the obvious differences here, I can’t help but see these arguments as mirroring the advent of Korihor in the Book of Mormon who said amongst other troubling teachings that the believers were “bound down under a foolish and a vain hope” (Alma 30:13). He calls God nothing more than a fairy tale akin to unicorns or hobgoblins. Will be interesting to see who the emperor is who is not wearing any clothes. (Check out: Countering Korihor’s Philosophy)

To start my babblings a winding down: There are times when our roots run deep and the wind comes, the storm rages on and we stand firm in the faith. There are other times when all it takes is negative thoughtless comment from a fellow saint to shake our very core. Well, let those who bend in the wind to the pressures of daily living, I offer you my faith in a God that lives and loves his children. And when things seem hard to understand, just hold on, call me if you need, the light will come for those who seek.

Firm are the decrees
of God from above

Seeing all, he knows
the necessity of love

But in his wisdom
he allows us to grow

And growth requires patience,
the ability to go slow

So down here in our passions
we worry and fret

Convinced that if God loved us
he’s step in and set

Right all the injustices
we see man do to man

Failing to recognize
God’s perfect plan

And no, it’s not to torture,
to abandon or abuse

But rather to give agency,
our choice to properly use

It’s in this way alone
that our growth can be whole

We take what’s allotted
and devote to it our soul

For you see, in the end
he who finishes ahead

Is he who finds freedom
through God as his head

“My will” delivers one thing –
chains that rightly bind

And “thy will” quite another –
Faith, the power to heal mankind

God bless my hurting friends and family.

May you recognize in your lonely times that God is speaking to us always.

And how true it is that when we draw near unto him that he draws near unto us.

We’re not all so different. I love you all!

~ Ryan

Simplifying Stuff

“Simplify,” comes the voice. “Is it that simple?” I ask. Indeed it is.

I am learning that “Stuff” doesn’t make one happy. Happiness comes from within, from connecting to God. Once that connection is made, all the hording, materialism, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, etc just have a tendency to slip away. It really makes me wonder when Jesus asked a rich young man to go sell all that he had and follow him, WHY this man who apparently had been living the commandments was kept from heaven on earth and possibly in the hereafter because of the “stuff”, the earthly security that he clung to.

Do I cling to stuff that is keeping me from God? Recently a group of friends challenged each other to a 40 Day Challenge which began with a fast. During the fast we were to seek God and discuss with him the things that are holding us back from walking by faith, seeking with new eyes, and being led by the Spirit. It was during this quiet contemplation, as it usually is, that I saw things that “poked” at my spirit, distracting me from a focus on God and how things “really are.” Since then, things have piled up to gently testify to me that there is a God and that he is perfectly mindful of me. He has a work that no one can stop and if we tap into his will for us we not only find internal peace and greater happiness, but we find purpose, meaning and clarity beyond belief.

So, there it is…a summary of the latest “stuff” going on with me. I’ve even considered pulling a Henry David Thoreau. Who knows were the next little bit will take me, but I’m confident more than ever, wherever it is I know the Lord prepares a way for his commands to be fulfilled (1 Ne 3:7) and that I’ll most likely be moving ahead, guided by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I will be doing (1 Ne 4:6).

Here’s trusting in God rather than voices that drown out the still small voice.

Lifestream for Week Ending on September 2nd

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Blog Post: Lifestream for Week Ending on August 26th [kingryanarthur]
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Listened to 5 songs.
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had an amazing Common Sense tonight discussing Zion’s covenant society vs socialism/capitalism. The ONLY answer to 1984. [kingryanarthur]
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Listened to 5 songs.
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wonders how one reconciles the bravery of the armed forces and the injustice of the wars in which they fight? [kingryanarthur]
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loves that Aaron Copland is the intro music for the speakers @ the Restoring Honor Rally. [kingryanarthur]
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"Hope must be based in truth and honor" [kingryanarthur]
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"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." [kingryanarthur]
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"That which you gaze upon, you become." [kingryanarthur]
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"We must look to God and look to love. Our values and our principles can unite us." [kingryanarthur]
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@redinfinity to some it may be, to others it was nothing ever than a nation guided by divine providence from day one until now. God Bless! [kingryanarthur]
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@MattBinder God Bless brother. I’m sure your heart is pure. [kingryanarthur]
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@ipressit funny comment about racism, did you watch it? It was completely about unity. God bless. [kingryanarthur]
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@argylestyle Not sure if you caught that Beck requested money for a vets organization, not himself. God bless. [kingryanarthur]
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@Adam_NYC Ha! That’s the way it seems when you look at the live twitter updates for "restore honor" [kingryanarthur]
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@mutgoff Just a little history: 1st amendment = freedom OF religion, not from it. The important division is to not require it for office. [kingryanarthur]
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heard BBC say the IPCC (UN’s expert on climate change) made errors on glacier melt, systemic of larger problems. Odd. [kingryanarthur]