Category Archives: Post by Voice

Receiving Personal Revelation from General Conference (Audio Post)


An institute teacher once gave me a great way to receive revelation from General Conference. Ever since I have followed something similar and have been amazed at just how much the Lord has to tell me.

Briefly, the steps are as follows:

  1. Quietly ponder my life & come up with some questions I feel I need answers to
  2. Take the questions, a notepad & ears to hear to Conference
  3. Write down any words or impressions (thoughts or feelings) that stand out to you
  4. As soon as possible, put those into practice

By following this simple, yet powerful method of communining with the Source of all truth & goodness we put ourselves in a possition to receive even more. Ask & ye shall receive. To those that hath, I will give more.

As a sidenote, I was listening to the Secret on CD this morning as I exercised and in its words, though no mention of “God” was made, I knew that the simple method prescribed was a true process:

  1. Ask
  2. Believe
  3. Receive

This morning’s session has already filled me with a great calm and exciting assurance that God is walking with me on my path of life. For that I am grateful. Once I was blind, but now I see. May he sustain that sight for me and you. God bless!

Ryan Mendenhall @kingryanarthur Ryan Mendenhall
4 Steps to Revelation: 1) desire it 2) ask for it 3) listen for it 4) act on it

28 Sep via txt

Improving My Reading (Audio Post)

Three tips to start reading 50%+ faster today:

1.       Create the right environment: good lighting, use reading glasses if needed, sit at a desk

2.       Read with your hand: let your eyes follow your finger as it runs over the top of words

3.       Read in blocks of words: eventually you can train yourself to take in whole groups of words at once, but start with trying to take in two at a time.


Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (Audio Post)

I’m singing Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Someday I’ll look back on this timid guy and smile. But, like Harry Potter told Dumbledore’s Army in the Room of Requirements,

Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now: students. If they can do it, why not us?

And to pay tribute to the man whose song I sing, here he is performing:

[Leonard Cohen performing his Hallelujah]
