Category Archives: Friends

First Week In Los Angeles

Disney Parks and Resorts Logo
Today I start my first full week of working with Disney as an SEO Analyst. I drove out last Tuesday and started my first day on Wednesday, the 29th of February (that magical day that comes but once every 4 years). I have been grateful for the opportunity to move to the Los Angeles area and connect with some great people. I have much appreciated the friends that have introduced me to those in the area.

My first few days at work was mainly getting my bearings (still getting them), setting up my computer and going to meetings. I did get two tasks and felt illy prepared for both of them. They were simple tasks, so I’m not totally sure why I started to get nervous. I think it just boiled down to not having a set process, not understanding fully what the bigger picture on the project was and just lots of new information. I was even going to do some work on Saturday. But my manager refused to let me do that my first week here.

I have to admit, I was a bit torn. I had very high hopes of rocking the Disney world from day 1. So, I wanted to make sure to show that that I could do what I was assigned, ya know, put the best foot forward and all that. I slowed down and realized that the world’s not going to end and I am still going to rock Disney, so no need to stress out.

So, I went to meet Scott & Lisa, a young LDS couple that a friend referred me to that were house sitting his parents Glendale house while they are on a mission in San Diego. They have an upstairs room that they let me rent out until I find a solid place to live. They’ve been very gracious and the price is very reasonable, especially for my own room and bathroom in a house.

Santa Monica - Venice Beach - VolleyballSo, to begin my awesome weekend in “SoCal,” I went down to Venice beach in Santa Monica on Saturday morning and played some sand volleyball. I was just about to pass it up because I’ve had this “I don’t wanna get lost in L.A.” fear, but surprisingly getting around isn’t as bad as my mind made it out to be. Sure the roads all have names and I can’t just take an address and find it like in Utah, but I’ve taken a couple wrong turns already and simply turn around and find where I’m going. It’s kinda cool. PLUS, to keep me company in the car I have Harry Potter 4 playing…since I didn’t finish it on the 10 HOUR DRIVE DOWN…Long book!

The beach was great and afterwards we all went to get a bite to eat at Whole Foods on Rose…yup, one of the ones where Whole Foods Parking Lot was filmed. I couldn’t help but loudly declare upon arriving that “this was the place” to fellow parking lot attendees. I even made sure to tell a hybrid driver to not take my spot :). After my $23 salad I had to chuckle because I now knew what it was like to “pay my 80 bucks for six things and I’m out!” All in all, I had a great time getting real in the Whole Foods parking lot. It was also fun to make Sandra laugh.

On Sunday I went the Glendale 9th Branch, met some cool new people and some of the ones that I’d communicated with before going. I guess there are also a handful of LDS people in the area that work for Disney. That’s cool.

After church I drove around the neighborhoods above Glenoaks and was completely amazed at just how beautiful all the homes were. The weather is great now and I’m lovin’ it!

I’ve felt very supported, both by the friends and family I left and by friends who told me I’d love the area. It was great to have a job working for The Wellness Warrior for the first two months of this year, it gave me some confidence and direction along with some extra cash. I also totally enjoyed staying with my sis and her family. I think I watched Wall-E about 8 times and drank about 20 carrots with the new juicer they got.

It’s been good to be out here so far and I’m looking forward to some amazingly great things!

100 Things I’m Grateful For

Lately, I’ve been experiencing some great things from a daily practice of gratitude that I started writing a book about it. I thought, well, if I’ve got it as a goal to write a book, it may as well be about something that means a lot to me, so Eyes to See: How The Power of Gratitute Can Transform You Today (working title) was born.

Then one day as I was envisioning how it would touch people’s lives I had the wild idea to make a “gratitude wall” & encorage others (that’s how I usually achieve my goals, by enlisting others to join me in the endeavor) to make a list of things they are grateful for. The stated aim? To create the largest list of gratitude anywhere on the web. The hidden aim? To help people get a small taste of the power that gratitude can have in their lives.

Tomorrow being The Day where we typically think about gratitude more readily, I thought it’d be a good time to sit down and make my own list to contribute to The Gratitude Wall.

I am grateful for…

  1. Peace in my heart on troubling days
  2. Andy McKee (his music inspires me & helps me to concentrate!)
  3. Dr. Amen (His diligence in the face of oppsition & his research on ADD)
  4. My mother (& the great husband she has)
  5. My father
  6. My sisters, their husbands & the fun & intelligent kids they are helping to raise
  7. My bike! (Yes I ride mainly because I have no insurance on my car, but I enjoy the ride too!)
  8. Emily (taught me that I can choose to FLY)
  9. Bro. Ed (Showed me what passion for sharing truth with others looks like)
  10. Bro. Bassett (He shared his time with me to counsel & comfort. RIP.)
  11. The Temple (A place of holiness & a refuge from the storm)
  12. Cowboy boots!
  13. My ability to read
  14. My ability to think & speak
  15. My ability to write
  16. My herb garden (1st year. Did amazingly not well. 🙂 But I learned that they need water!)
  17. Bishop McGarr
  18. Eggs, Toast & Yolk Cutted 🙂 (Breakfast I accidentally named before I could talk properly)
  19. Blogs
  20. My Journal (Scripture & personal both)
  21. Those striving to leave behind lives of darkness and step into lives of light
  22. The piano
  23. The guitar
  24. People who are patient with me while I learn how to be
  25. Good roommates
  26. A roof over my head
  27. A bed that fits most of me 🙂
  28. Food given in times of financial downturn from the kindness of friends & family
  29. Having worked with so many great people while creating businesses
  30. The LDS Church
  31. The Tabernacle Choir
  32. Pandora Radio
  33. Michael Jackson on the Wii & my nephew who got me hooked on it
  34. Dance Dance Revolution, lovingly called DDR (I once played for 4 hours and was dripping sweat!)
  35. The pomegranite tree in my mom’s back yard (Mmmm)
  36. Lasagne
  37. Teachers
  38. Avatar The Last Airbender cartoon series!
  39. Sean T & The Insanity Challenge crew
  40. The Book of Mormon (Has saved my life many times)
  41. Institutes of Religion
  42. Pears, apples & peaches
  43. Peter & Veronica & Oatmeal 🙂
  44. Learning Korean
  45. Serving a mission
  46. Receiving letters in the mail
  47. Golden, neon red & orange sunsets
  48. White puffy clouds in blue skies
  49. Beautiful snow capped mountains
  50. Fall leaves, kids playing in them
  51. John Williams
  52. Automatic doors (the make me feel like I’m the Starship Enterprise)
  53. Jean Luc Picard
  54. Challenges (The struggle to figure out how to overcome them is surprisingly fulfilling)
  55. Children’s laughter & laughter in general
  56. Kid History – Esp. Episode 6!
  57. President Hinckley’s humorous optimism (RIP)
  58. Truth & it’s search
  59. Picking weeds
  60. Kind neighbors (one watches out for hubcaps for my car which at one point had none left!)
  61. Service opportunities
  62. Cheesecake
  63. A good drama (Batman Begins, An Amazing Mind, Inception to name a few)
  64. The Little Prince (Read it like 10 times or so)
  65. A good fantasy movie (Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of  the Rings all “do it” for me)
  66. Home made cookin
  67. Learning that I’ve got some codependent habits (cuz seeing them are the first step in changing them)
  68. Running (The Wasatch Back, St. George Marathon, Moab Half & all the fun surrounding them)
  69. The clarity that exercise brings to the mind of this ADD kid
  70. Good therapists 🙂 (If you’ve never seen one, give it a go)
  71. Learning
  72. A budding passion in government, learning the history of nations and in protecting freedom
  73. Ezra Taft Benson (his passion for freedom)
  74. America going to the moon (it gave me something to dream about as a kid)
  75. Lake Powell (fills my mind and heart with good memories)
  76. Cats (have grown up with them and have one now – well, my roommate does – and it amazes me how much of myself I see in them)
  77. Lying on the grass, letting the sun warm my face while the cool breeze dances all around me.
  78. Reading with my nephews & neice
  79. Hot water…running water…water
  80. A working body
  81. No toothache (even though I’ve been running on 3 months now since I lost a tooth)
  82. Persistant creditors (reminds me of how I was to some girls I liked in grade school. Now I see why it may not have worked out)
  83. Veggies
  84. Smoothies
  85. Veggie Smothies 🙂
  86. Dreams, visions, goals
  87. Clean clothes…clothes…being naked at least once a day 🙂
  88. Nikola Tesla (While ecentric, he was a genious!)
  89. Jazz music (not really cool jazz, but more Michael Buble & Harry Connick Jr stuff)
  90. The internet
  91. Good people of every faith who are striving to live divine principles
  92. Cheese
  93. White boards
  94. People who smile
  95. Safety while driving
  96. The ability to travel great distances in a short amount of time
  97. Facebook
  98. General Conferences (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
  99. Parks
  100. The future

I encourage anyone reading this to make thier own list, post it on The Gratitude Wall & grab a free copy of my prepublished book.

Here are a few other lists from the wall:

Cussing for God

We had come from out of town to ascend & lay eyes on the much spoken of Angel’s Landing in Zion. Marcello and I had each invited a girl; he a proper & petite gal named Rebecca & I the great & gregarious (and previous) Kate Nichols. We stayed at my mother & step father’s place in Hurricane while down there. It was to be the girls’ first encounter with my mother, but not one easily forgotten.

The first morning there we woke up and decided to read scriptures together. It was a good study, complete with heartfelt insights. My mother came in and Marcello invited her to join our little morning devotional, and I’m glad he did. I have a feeling the glad was enjoyed by all.

Kneeling around a meticulously kept, five-sheeted, raised bed with decorative pillows in the guest room, we closed our study with prayer. No sooner had we raised our heads from addressing the God of the universe when my mother said she was reminded of a story, or rather a quote, she had heard earlier that week, in church I believe it was.

The thought came to her as if by revelation, or at the very least inspiration. So there, on the tail end of our spiritually edifying meeting, perched on the edge of the bed, we all leaned forward to pay particular attention to words this wise sage of a woman was about to speak.

She spoken slowly to make sure she got them correct, “Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan says “Oh sh**! She’s awake!”

…wide-eyed and with a slight smile cracking on each of our faces at the prayer bedside we froze to assess. There in that split second of stillness we each considered what was said, evaluated the effects that laughter would have on our souls and apparently all decided that sometimes (at the very least, this time) cussing for God is an appropriate manifestation of one’s devotion to him who created our spirits and gave us life.

We filled the room with hearty amusement and punctuated our morning with a rare glimpse into the dedication of my mother to her Heavenly Father. I guess John Mayer summed it up best in one of my favorite songs, “Say what you need to say.” Ha!

I love you Ma! Thanks for making me smile, one thing I’m not sure I could live without.


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Santiago Michalek Fine Art Giveaway

I’ve always loved art. I used to watch my older brother Michael draw at his drafting table. Thought it was so cool, I got my own and tried to make droopy lettering like he did. Did a pretty cool Pearl Jam pic once.

Well, it wasn’t in the same class that I met Santiago, but it was back in the day when Mr. Nelson used words like cosmic & groovy to describe art to us. In that Springville High class we learned that we could borrow his ruler, but that she was at home. He also told us about something that was pretty cool, the fridge. It was in that class that Cliff offered to barter with me. In the end I didn’t have anything with which to trade, so I gave him 20 bucks for a little electric guitar, my first. We took it home and plugged it into Melissa’s karaoke machine. It’s amazing how much like a rock star you can sound like if you just play really loud and if you have someone scream Dr. Seuss rhymes.

Well, it was in those days that I ran across the Beatles playing, soccer ball juggling, art work rockin Santiago Michalek. Our interactions were  more about soccer back then, but he’s pursued his art career and it’s looking really great!

Well, just found out it’s his birthday today and I learned he’s having an art giveaway! Here are a couple pieces you could win. Just go do a couple things and boom! There ya got it.

Split Bug #3 - Santiago Michalek
Split Bug #3 - Santiago Michalek
Black Moor - Santiago Michalek
Black Moor - Santiago Michalek

Take a moment to check out some of his work and get some entries in his art contest.

The True Beauty and Power of Women

“Sisters, we, your brethren, cannot do what you were divinely designated to do from before the foundation of the world. We may try, but we cannot ever hope to replicate your unique gifts. There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman.” (M. Russell Ballard, “Mothers and Daughters,” Liahona, May 2010, 18–21)

To my mind this morning was brought, like settling dews on the morning grass, the extreme and simple beauty that women have brought into my life over the years. I have been more richly blessed by “the most precious element of a woman’s divine nature—the nature to nurture” (Ballard) than I think I can even realize.

I have been honored to date over time a handful of girls who have exemplified the love of the savior in their hearts and actions. They have opened an otherwise closed boy and have helped to bring about change in his heart, helping him correct his course and remain faithful.

Friends (girls) of whom I can only describe our meetings and relationships as divinely appointed, have nurtured me, instinctively, in my times of need, giving me courage and belief to get back up, dust off and to try again with love for myself. It’s these moments that have filled my soul with possibility and vision of who I really am. It’s these small interactions that have made me greater than I could have ever been without it.

Guidance from many Spirit-led women has richly blessed my life. From speakers, to church leaders, to my grandmothers & most importantly my own mother, I have been lifted time and time again on the wings of angels who had no other desire than to help me believe that the seemingly impossible I face is but only a small step in a much grander masterpiece that God making in me.

Even the men who have blessed my life with similar love, encouragement & teaching have done so with a confidence born of familiarity with such “motherly” love, instilled so often by their own mothers, wives, girlfriends & women acquaintances.

It’s been a slow process by which I’m realizing over again the true beauty and power of women. It’s a journey that I am glad to be on, for I have seen over the years the faith of some of my sweetest and most dear friends’ shattered largely due to the poor examples of priesthood holders to which they were married. It’s a man’s responsibility to rule over his wife. But as Elder Hafen taught, “Genesis 3:16 states that Adam is to “rule over” Eve, but this doesn’t make Adam a dictator. A ruler can be a measuring tool that sets standards. Then Adam would live so that others may measure the rightness of their conduct by watching his. Being a ruler is not so much a privilege of power as an obligation to practice what a man preaches. Also, over in “rule over” uses the Hebrew bet, which means ruling with, not ruling over. If a man does exercise “dominion … in any degree of unrighteousness” (D&C 121:37; emphasis added), God terminates that man’s authority.” (Bruce C. Hafen and Marie K. Hafen, “Crossing Thresholds and Becoming Equal Partners,” Liahona, Aug 2007, 26–31)

The goal for the man is to rule in the true meaning of the word, modeling himself after Christ. Christ rules the church with love & diligence in providing for and in protecting & preserving it’s sanctity. A husband is to do the same for his wife. I love the picture painted in the story where Christ is compared to a mother hen who protects her young, covering them when danger is near, even to the point of losing her own life. THIS is the relationship a priesthood holder has with his wife when he understands his sacred duty and her divine nature.

In short, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” (Eph 5:25)

Living in mediocrity has been like living in a darkness. It’s here where I’ve seen myself as worthless, which has done more damage than I could have ever realized. For the way we see & love ourselves, at least in my experience, cannot be contained and kept from tainting how we see & love others. The good women in my life who have lifted me and built me and succored me like the Savior would if he were here deserve a Ryan that sees both them as everything they truly are, beautiful, powerful, creative, loving, divine, holy beings. And to do this I must take my visions from the fountains of eternal life, and not from the gutters of disbelief that line the roads of this mortal coil.

Thank you dear women. I cannot say enough about the good that you are and that you bring into my life. May the Lord bless you to see yourself as he sees you, for THIS is the solution to so many of your problems from low self-esteem, to depressive flurries and fear to bitterness & hate towards my gender. I know that men are rats, but the answer is not to feed them with the scraps of distrust which only perpetuate that lowly state, but to reach into the divinity that’s within each one of you and to lift him and to love him as you have me.

I love you. I need you.
