Category Archives: Dreams

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Over the past week I’ve felt a renewal of my dream to study the brain. This new energy came as I watched Daniel G Amen on a KUED special talk about his clinics and all the SPECT scans they’ve done and how they’ve started to use it as a diagnostic tool, something it sounds like many have avoided. Here’s a playlist to the special I watched.

Ever since my physiological psych class with Dr. Yells several years ago I’ve had a strong interest in the brain, its hard wiring and its relationship to behavior, memory and learning.

Along the way I’ve also had a desire to be involved in the technology that would eventually revolutionize again the way we diagnose patients and help them in their journey towards happy existences.

A couple months ago I pulled out the drawings and drafts I had been making over the past several years about my ideas on what I’ve since come to classify as personal medical sensors and monitoring. The simple thought came to me, “I wonder if anyone’s ever thought about these things before.” So I jumped online and started the search. It didn’t take long to find solutions that others had come up with. BRILLIANT!

As I’ve started to learn about the brain again I’ve felt alive again, like I have purpose I guess.

This is not the only thing that’s contributed to the feelings I’ve been having, but learning IS a powerful motivator for me. In fact, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life actually talks about the need for life-long learning to keep your brain healthy. I’m feeling it.

In other news, last week I started doing sales for our company, ioVentures. Invigorating. I realized that I absolutely love meeting new people, sharing what I know about a topic and learning what they’re involved with.

Tonight we had our ioV company party. I was the only one not married, but no worries. I took Shimpie. We had a great time bowling. I got a personal best (156) along with Jason and Larissa. Fun stuff.

Today I found out that I was picked in the lotto to run in the Moab Half Marathon in March… :o) Running, it’s become foreign to me. Let’s get back on that horse!

Robbins Vs. Colbert

Let me take you for a brief moment inside my head. Let me take you inside my dreams…

…enter puffy dream sequence cloud and harp arpeggios…

In the early morning or late evening, I couldn’t tell which, I found myself at a small round kitchen table where two bearded jolly men were going to teach me how to play Knights and Pokers (apparently the “poker” referred to the knight’s joust). There was a young lady there who seemed just as excited as I to play this game of strategy. She was excited for this was a game of intense strategy and popularity. It was bigger than “The Office”.

Sometime between setting up the board and me shuffling the card that weren’t supposed to be shuffled together I saw a big grin on the face of the lead jolly. He had a mission for me that seemed rather odd, but the jollies together convinced me that it was not only necessary, but urgent.

The next thing I knew I was talking to the front desk clerk of 24 hour fitness. I heard in my head the instructions as I head myself telling the clerk that I needed to see his bosses, two gentlemen I was pretending to know well. The mission monologue played in my head as a loudspeaker announcing the day’s school lunch menu.

I ended the conversation with insisting on my usual accommodations including luxury room and board. I told left and told him that I’d be back at 8 and to make sure that everything was taken care of.

I walked away confidently as the desk attendant seemed obviously abashed, yet making arrangements for this insistent and confident man.

When I returned my bags where taken and the same clerk showed me to a car. He asked me where I was from. When I said Boston he seemed to know the area and followed up with, “Oh? What part?” I told him the northeast part. Again he asked where. With my best Boston accent I tossed out a made up county name. “You heard of it?” “No,” he replied.

Now in the car I felt that something was up. We pulled up to the entrance of what looked like a junk yard. The driver clerk casually locked the doors and tightened the windows.

Now entering the yard I could see that amidst the rubble and piles of dirt was a very nice patio encased with glass walls. Within the walls of the patio was the man I had insisted on seeing. He was lounging in a jetted jacuzzi.

Obviously annoyed with the interruption from the attendant he looked up as I walked in and began to act as if I knew him. After fumbling a little to search his thoughts and after realizing that I was an impostor he smiled as if to say, sure I’ll play your little game.

Some words were exchanged and before I knew I was banging their heads together and taking off in the car we had come in. I’m not sure why seemingly smart men leave the keys in the car in movie scenes like this. I guess it’s so the “good guys” like me can escape when they’re found out.

Anyhow…So after I drove through the fence that had been closed behind us and a high speed automobile chase I found myself in an arboretum of sorts. I felt safe from my predators there as I biked quickly around the lake at the center of this forest.

I’m not sure where I got the bike I was riding on. I guess my attention was more focused on escaping those that sought the destruction of me and those I loved. I’m also not sure where I caught up with a pretty girl and how I had become responsible for protecting this new friend, but is was so. And lastly, I have NO CLUE when the the one dedicated to hunting us had turned into Tony Robbins. Bizarre

After rounding the arboretum several times and realizing that we may have been led into a trap, sent in circles until Tony Robbins catch up, I suggested retracing our steps to find our way out. Upon doing so we came upon a dried storm drain that we hadn’t seen before.

After climbing up the loose rocks to the top of the drain we walked around a cement slab. There I was accosted by a man. With my back towards him I assumed that it was the dreaded Mr. Robbins. On the contrary. It was my pleasure and relief to see Steven Colbert greeting me, saving us from the anxiety and fear that had griped us just moments earlier. The first thing that I told him was that I was going to vote for him in the Presidential Election. We smiled and talked some. He was nice in person.

Looking back at it all, I’m not sure what this adventure had to do with the game Knights and Pokers, but in the end I’m sure that there something to learn from this. If you have had any lessons on the interpretation of dreams, it’s time to shout them out! Leave me a comment and let me know.

Defining Ryan: The Creation Series

Driving to Draper today I was listening to “The E-Myth Manager Seminar: How to Lead with Vision and Purpose”. I have read The E-Myth before, but there’s nothing like listening to Michael Gerber live, as he works the crowd. He’s pretty philosophical. In his excitement he said something very profound to me. He must have known that it would mean something great. After he said it and I had my personal ah-ha moment he said let me repeat that. This is what he said:

“The sanctity of life can only be experienced in the act of creation of it.”

This is the venue that I’ll use to Define Ryan. This is where I’ll crystallize my destiny.


There comes a day in the life of entrepreneurs when they see the world in a different light. When they see things not as they’ve been taught to see them, but with their own intelligence. Opportunities abound everywhere. They understand that they don’t have to play by the rules that were painted by parents, by schools, by friends and the world at large. They see life as it really is, FULL of opportunities!

This “day of awakening” often comes over time as the entrepreneur challenges assumptions, tries things in a little bit different way, and steps outside the lines painted by others. But no matter how quick this new vision settles on a man or woman it changes them forever and the world is alive forever more.

Without vision, says the bible, the people perish. Without vision businesses fail, couples divorce, and individuals and communities find themselves wandering, seeking for something more. When vision enters into the soul of the common man there grows from it an ability to act, a desire and motivation to produce, and a love for their fellow beings.

Now some might challenge that last point about the fruits of vision, but I believe that a true vision is revelation from a loving Father in Heaven who becomes, if we let Him, a partner in our lives. That being the case, any vision obtained from the Maker of our souls must include the love he has for his children, our brothers and sisters.

I seek that type of vision and I seek it believing that I shall receive. I thank my Father for his constant support and seek to humble my heart so that I can clearly see his direction for me and those I will be responsible for.


I learned today that “Thru Hiking” is not only a term that describes what the Appalachian Trail (AT) hikers that go the distance do, but something that describes all those who are daring enough to blaze trails across the country.

Maps’s AT map


As I’ve thought about the AT, I’ve decided that I’m going to do it. From now until I finish premed classes I’m going to learn more about it, prepare and gather friends that are also interested in heading out on the journey with me.

The other day I received my video, Trek. It’s nearing 2 a.m. and I’m watching it. This will be one of the first things I’ve done to intentionally expose myself to what hiking the AT is going to be like. On Monday I found an article at work in Backbacker Magazine. A small blurb in the front talked about a new section to the site. It was my first visit to the site and it was to see their guide on what they called “the classic trails,” the Appalachian Trail, The Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail.

I’m also waiting to receive 2 trail guides for hiking the AT. I’m very excited! Since at work I’m looking into podcasts as a marketing meduim I decided to look for any AT podcasts…found one! I”m stoked. Some guy interviews hikers of the AT and gets real life insights into what it’s like.

Bottom line, life is fun, I’m livin’ it up.