Category Archives: Walk The Talk


Testimony is a declaration of the things you have come to know through he who testifies of all truth, the Holy Ghost.

Doctrines studied and practiced with the hope that they are indeed God’s word allows us the gift of the Spirit, who testifies to us, strengthening our testimony. This process is known as faith: Hope that some thing’s real, act upon what you know, receive a witness that the thing you hoped for is true.

I know this to be true. By simply following the doctrine, we’ll know it through the spiritual, deep rooted proof that only the Holy Ghost can provide.

My Words Never Cease

I’d like to dedicate this post to my friend Charles.

It’s been a little while since I took some time to get out of myself. The other week I stepped out of my usual self-absorbed role to wear the hat of a missionary again. Our ward mission leader had asked for several ward members to go to the Missionary Training Center to spend some time in the referral center. This is where those who see or hear one of the Church’s ads can call in and request a free Bible, Book of Mormon or church video.

I opted that evening to help with the chat feature and was lucky enough to get a 26 old man from FL. He was kind in his questioning and I talked with him the entire hour that I was there. I appeared to answer his questions to his satisfaction as he would say “I believe that too” after I answered.

As Charles and I chatted with one another this talk by Elder Holland came to my mind. We talked about prophets and the necessity of revelation in our day. I felt a strong spirit of goodness as I testified to him that I know that God loves us as much as his children in any age of time.

Elder Holland speaks powerfully about the misconceptions behind LDS not being Christian. A definite MUST watch for anyone looking to get to the bottom of this topic.

I believe that God speaks to us and that he wants to speak to anyone willing to seek him out. Truly the invitation, “Seek and ye shall find” is real. This is how I will Walk the Talk…I will show that I know my Father’s words never cease by recommitting to study them daily. I often come to this point and I’ll keep doing it until it becomes part of my daily habit and until I crave the word of the Lord and it is part of me in every way.

Opening Our Hearts – Elder Gerald N. Lund

The Holy Ghost is a precious gift…

  • Do I harden my heart? Then I’ll receive LESS of the Lord’s word.
  • Do I soften my heart? Then I’ll receive MORE of the Lord’s word.

Responsibilities of the Holy Spirit…

comforts, teaches, warns, enlightens and inspires us.

It will show unto you ALL things what you should do.

How the Holy Ghost Speaks…

He whispereth

– to hearts
– to mind

  • Do I want to be visited by the Holy Ghost?
  • Do I want the Lord to draw near unto me?
  • Do I want joy and consolation in my life?

Then I must carefully assess the condition of my heart. It is one of the most important things I can do in this life.

The heart is a tender place. It is sensitive to many influences. It can be:

  • softened by love
  • hardened by sin (Moroni 10:22)
  • hurt by others

to protect our precious gift of agency: Holy Ghost carries messages TO the heart, but not INTO it….

State of a Heart necessary to feel the Holy Spirit: Purity

When my heart’s on the things of the world…

  • I seek to hide my sins
  • I seek vain ambitions over the things of God
  • I seek unrighteous dominion

+ This is pride

The condition of my heart directly affects the things of the Spirit….this is why anger, bitterness, blame, frustration can leave me feeling empty.


Sachi’s thoughts on Opening Our Hearts

Restoring Faith in the Family

Elder Kenneth Johnson
Of the Seventy

“Stable families provide the fabric that holds society together, benefiting all mankind, even those who may feel they live in less-favorable circumstances.”

There have been a handful or two times in this life where I have felt so overwhelmed with the Spirit of God that both His existence and the truth of the moment were undeniable. I consider those times my “tender mercies” from a loving Father. Most of those treasured moments have been experienced when I have been taught truth about the importance of the family. They are precious and special to me.

“Although spiritual truths may appear less tangible, to the humble heart their impact is undeniable.”

I have also had many moments of quiet peace in which I realize small and simple truths that help support the deeply personal moments I mention above. I cherish those moments as well and feel the Lord teaching me line upon line and precept on precept. Each time I am quiet enough and ready to hear these soft impressions I have a calm sense of gratitide because I know that my Father in Heaven loves me, is mindful of me and delights in teaching me things of eternal significance.

The things of eternity can only be taught by the Spirit. When we learn things that way, we have eternal truths imprinted on our souls, never to be forgotten. Elder Kenneth Johnson of the Seventy spoke humbly and gratefully about gaining “an appreciation for the core values that are necessary for the development of a sound character.” I’m sure in his home atmosphere of love these qualities are some of his most valuable possessions:

Loyalty, dependability, integrity, selfless service, honor, respect for the daughters of God, provident living, dignity of work, ability to make important decisions, accountability, consideration for others, and encouragement to pursue educational opportunities.



Out of Small Things

Elder Michael J. Teh
Of the Seventy

“We need to enlarge the circle of our influence” – This reminds me to break free from any cliques that we can quite easily establish and seek to include all.

“To some degree we all depend on each other to be able to make it back to our heavenly home.” – I don’t think to some degree, but to a LARGE degree we depend on each other. It’s with a little help from my friends that I survive. I realized while running in St George and again in the Wasatch Back Relay that without the help of others I would have had a much harder time keeping strong and courageous. Its in the helping hands, the smiling faces, the mutual strength that I draw from my friends and those who serve that I can become anything great.

“Do what you will, there is going to be some benevolence, as well as some malice, in your patient’s soul. The great thing is to direct the malice to his immediate neighbours whom he meets every day and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know. The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary.” – I have enjoyed recently to listen to C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce and have read most of The Screwtape Letters. In a simple way Mr. Lewis clearly exposes the subtle ways we feed ourselves a steady meal of self deceit and garbage. It’s beautiful to me how clearly I see things after reading or listeningn to a few of his thoughts on Christian living.

This statement also reminds me of when Christ said if you can’t be kind to your brothers and sisters who are nearby then how can you show love to a God whom you can’t even see? (paraphrased)

My Walk will be simple. I will not bicker about “dirty dishes,” literally and figuratively and will do one kind, out-of-my-way act for each of my roommates and family members this week.

Walk This Talk Extras