Category Archives: Faith & Religion

Done With Disney

Goodbye Disney. I'm blasting off!Almost six months ago now I packed up my guitar, my $20 mini TV, a handful of clothes and my favorite books and movies into my hubcapless silver Toyota Corolla and headed out west. It wasn’t my first adventure into the unknown, but it was perhaps one of the biggest of such life events. I was moving away from my the state I grew up in, not to mention my family and friends.

However, while I was leaving so much good behind I also felt like it was a great opportunity for me to leave behind some negatives as well.  The first on that list of things that I just didn’t have room for in my small car were my fears. I have always tried to keep a positive attitude and move forward with things I believe in, but as is true for most of us, I have found nagging little voices at times telling me that I couldn’t succeed, that I wasn’t good enough, that I would let people down.

So, why the move? I came to California to work for The Mouse, commonly known as Disney. It’s a slight variation on working for The Man. I was excited to experience new things, new challenges and dive back into corporate world for the first time in 6 years. At the same time, I recalled some of the things that I didn’t like about the 9-5 and was a bit apprehensive. That said, I was dedicated to seeing out my 6 month contract doing SEO for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts and some Disney owned ABC local television stations. “Heck, and even if it’s just the 6 months,” I thought to myself, “it’ll be one great ride.”

So fast forward 6 months. I’m now just 3 weeks away from my contract due date and begin to inquire about renewing my contract. I share my interest in continuing on and point out that I’ve gotten to know much better how all the disjointed pieces work together and how to respond to the conflicting priorities and last minute requests. Ideally I would have known already if I was going to stay, but I didn’t and I wanted to know if I would need to look for another job or if I could fly again on some other projects that I’ve been forestalling because I had an itching to let someone else call the shots for a bit. So, finally on last Wednesday, a routine 1 on 1 with my manager turned into the  certainty I was looking for:

“We are not going to renew your contract.”

The gist of the decision was based on the fact that my skill set is based in in-depth analyzing, strategy and big picture stuff. The position that mirrored my first internet marketing job 8 years ago was one that needed a worker bee and not a dreamer bee. I’m sure there are places in Disney for dreamers, but as it turns out, it’s may not be in the role for which I was hired.

Honestly, I was a little surprised based on the progress I was making. I was planning on staying another 6 months at least, but as we talked I realized that there were some things missing that I feel are pretty important to me. However, accompanying my surprise was a sense of  giddy little excitement. I am thoroughly excited to use my time at Disney as a stepping stone to reach higher for my goals and it looks like I’ll have some time really soon to do so.

So, there ya have it. I’m done with Disney. And here comes my future!

Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new door and doing things because we're curious.... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.  Walt Disney

Speaking of my future. Here are some things that are likely to be in it. About 2 weeks after moving here I met and shortly thereafter started to date a gorgeous, fun and awesome yoga teacher. We’ve been to some great places including Kings Canyon & Sequoya National Forests. We’ve danced, done yoga, gotten lost running, watched humming birds, gotten sand in our toes at the beach, biked along the coast and so much more. I’m truly grateful for her and all the growth we’ve experienced together.

While here, I’ve also had the fun opportunity to talk with some great people about their projects: Nikki Forova’s new album & Adam Sidwell’s new best-selling children’s book, Evertaster.

Lastly, I’ve also been working on my book, Eyes to See: How Gratitude Can Transform Your Life Today and posting to The Gratitude Wall on Facebook. It’s been really good to have a practice of gratitude in my life. It has really enriched it and taken me further than I would have gone otherwise. Who knows, I may just take a trip up the California coast, stay in campgrounds and write. We’ll see. 🙂


100 Things I’m Grateful For

Lately, I’ve been experiencing some great things from a daily practice of gratitude that I started writing a book about it. I thought, well, if I’ve got it as a goal to write a book, it may as well be about something that means a lot to me, so Eyes to See: How The Power of Gratitute Can Transform You Today (working title) was born.

Then one day as I was envisioning how it would touch people’s lives I had the wild idea to make a “gratitude wall” & encorage others (that’s how I usually achieve my goals, by enlisting others to join me in the endeavor) to make a list of things they are grateful for. The stated aim? To create the largest list of gratitude anywhere on the web. The hidden aim? To help people get a small taste of the power that gratitude can have in their lives.

Tomorrow being The Day where we typically think about gratitude more readily, I thought it’d be a good time to sit down and make my own list to contribute to The Gratitude Wall.

I am grateful for…

  1. Peace in my heart on troubling days
  2. Andy McKee (his music inspires me & helps me to concentrate!)
  3. Dr. Amen (His diligence in the face of oppsition & his research on ADD)
  4. My mother (& the great husband she has)
  5. My father
  6. My sisters, their husbands & the fun & intelligent kids they are helping to raise
  7. My bike! (Yes I ride mainly because I have no insurance on my car, but I enjoy the ride too!)
  8. Emily (taught me that I can choose to FLY)
  9. Bro. Ed (Showed me what passion for sharing truth with others looks like)
  10. Bro. Bassett (He shared his time with me to counsel & comfort. RIP.)
  11. The Temple (A place of holiness & a refuge from the storm)
  12. Cowboy boots!
  13. My ability to read
  14. My ability to think & speak
  15. My ability to write
  16. My herb garden (1st year. Did amazingly not well. 🙂 But I learned that they need water!)
  17. Bishop McGarr
  18. Eggs, Toast & Yolk Cutted 🙂 (Breakfast I accidentally named before I could talk properly)
  19. Blogs
  20. My Journal (Scripture & personal both)
  21. Those striving to leave behind lives of darkness and step into lives of light
  22. The piano
  23. The guitar
  24. People who are patient with me while I learn how to be
  25. Good roommates
  26. A roof over my head
  27. A bed that fits most of me 🙂
  28. Food given in times of financial downturn from the kindness of friends & family
  29. Having worked with so many great people while creating businesses
  30. The LDS Church
  31. The Tabernacle Choir
  32. Pandora Radio
  33. Michael Jackson on the Wii & my nephew who got me hooked on it
  34. Dance Dance Revolution, lovingly called DDR (I once played for 4 hours and was dripping sweat!)
  35. The pomegranite tree in my mom’s back yard (Mmmm)
  36. Lasagne
  37. Teachers
  38. Avatar The Last Airbender cartoon series!
  39. Sean T & The Insanity Challenge crew
  40. The Book of Mormon (Has saved my life many times)
  41. Institutes of Religion
  42. Pears, apples & peaches
  43. Peter & Veronica & Oatmeal 🙂
  44. Learning Korean
  45. Serving a mission
  46. Receiving letters in the mail
  47. Golden, neon red & orange sunsets
  48. White puffy clouds in blue skies
  49. Beautiful snow capped mountains
  50. Fall leaves, kids playing in them
  51. John Williams
  52. Automatic doors (the make me feel like I’m the Starship Enterprise)
  53. Jean Luc Picard
  54. Challenges (The struggle to figure out how to overcome them is surprisingly fulfilling)
  55. Children’s laughter & laughter in general
  56. Kid History – Esp. Episode 6!
  57. President Hinckley’s humorous optimism (RIP)
  58. Truth & it’s search
  59. Picking weeds
  60. Kind neighbors (one watches out for hubcaps for my car which at one point had none left!)
  61. Service opportunities
  62. Cheesecake
  63. A good drama (Batman Begins, An Amazing Mind, Inception to name a few)
  64. The Little Prince (Read it like 10 times or so)
  65. A good fantasy movie (Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of  the Rings all “do it” for me)
  66. Home made cookin
  67. Learning that I’ve got some codependent habits (cuz seeing them are the first step in changing them)
  68. Running (The Wasatch Back, St. George Marathon, Moab Half & all the fun surrounding them)
  69. The clarity that exercise brings to the mind of this ADD kid
  70. Good therapists 🙂 (If you’ve never seen one, give it a go)
  71. Learning
  72. A budding passion in government, learning the history of nations and in protecting freedom
  73. Ezra Taft Benson (his passion for freedom)
  74. America going to the moon (it gave me something to dream about as a kid)
  75. Lake Powell (fills my mind and heart with good memories)
  76. Cats (have grown up with them and have one now – well, my roommate does – and it amazes me how much of myself I see in them)
  77. Lying on the grass, letting the sun warm my face while the cool breeze dances all around me.
  78. Reading with my nephews & neice
  79. Hot water…running water…water
  80. A working body
  81. No toothache (even though I’ve been running on 3 months now since I lost a tooth)
  82. Persistant creditors (reminds me of how I was to some girls I liked in grade school. Now I see why it may not have worked out)
  83. Veggies
  84. Smoothies
  85. Veggie Smothies 🙂
  86. Dreams, visions, goals
  87. Clean clothes…clothes…being naked at least once a day 🙂
  88. Nikola Tesla (While ecentric, he was a genious!)
  89. Jazz music (not really cool jazz, but more Michael Buble & Harry Connick Jr stuff)
  90. The internet
  91. Good people of every faith who are striving to live divine principles
  92. Cheese
  93. White boards
  94. People who smile
  95. Safety while driving
  96. The ability to travel great distances in a short amount of time
  97. Facebook
  98. General Conferences (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
  99. Parks
  100. The future

I encourage anyone reading this to make thier own list, post it on The Gratitude Wall & grab a free copy of my prepublished book.

Here are a few other lists from the wall:

Receiving Personal Revelation from General Conference (Audio Post)


An institute teacher once gave me a great way to receive revelation from General Conference. Ever since I have followed something similar and have been amazed at just how much the Lord has to tell me.

Briefly, the steps are as follows:

  1. Quietly ponder my life & come up with some questions I feel I need answers to
  2. Take the questions, a notepad & ears to hear to Conference
  3. Write down any words or impressions (thoughts or feelings) that stand out to you
  4. As soon as possible, put those into practice

By following this simple, yet powerful method of communining with the Source of all truth & goodness we put ourselves in a possition to receive even more. Ask & ye shall receive. To those that hath, I will give more.

As a sidenote, I was listening to the Secret on CD this morning as I exercised and in its words, though no mention of “God” was made, I knew that the simple method prescribed was a true process:

  1. Ask
  2. Believe
  3. Receive

This morning’s session has already filled me with a great calm and exciting assurance that God is walking with me on my path of life. For that I am grateful. Once I was blind, but now I see. May he sustain that sight for me and you. God bless!

Ryan Mendenhall @kingryanarthur Ryan Mendenhall
4 Steps to Revelation: 1) desire it 2) ask for it 3) listen for it 4) act on it

28 Sep via txt

Unspinning with Gratitude

I can’t explain how grateful I am for gratitude. After spinning around in my head for a couple hours, I decided to “unspin” by listing some things I am grateful for. So, here are ten to help me surrender the spin to God…I’m sure there’ll be more to come as I often find myself in that spin:

  1. My Mother: I don’t remember a week that I didn’t get a letter for her on my mission and now I don’t recall a week she hasn’t texted me to tell me she loves me and prays for me.
  2. The Roof Overhead: Despite my indignant circumstances I am coming to appreciate the simple things like a place to live and the good faith of my roommate to trust I will rise again and be on my feet.
  3. Food: Sometimes I think, there’s nothing to eat, but even though this childhood saying pops back up every now and then I always have had food to eat. I’ve got very creative with my Ramen. 🙂
  4. The Word of God: Feasting wouldn’t be complete without food for the soul. I am learning to be humble and fight my tendency to do other things instead of reading. When I do this I find that God is near.
  5. Music: In moments where no other external stimuli can reach me, music often sooths the savage Ryan. It can pick me up and amplify my good mood. It can rearrange my priorities and give me clarity again.
  6. The Faith of Friends: There’s a saying that’s so true and it goes something like this, when we reach for the best within us, we give others silent permission to do the same. I have been lifted by the faith of others.
  7. My Body: Though I don’t always understand the way that I feel, I can’t help but love the learning process and how a quiet ear can bear great insight into what ails us at any given moment.
  8. Prayer: I can’t explain just how much strength I get from submitting to God in daily prayer.
  9. My Ability to Think: While overthinking is never too good, I am grateful for the gift of reason. Combined with prayer there is no challenge I cannot conquer.
  10. Repentance: The word I understand simply means to turn to. To me this means turning to seeing things honestly as they are and letting go of things I cannot control. God is good 


You were bitten
& your heart was hard
But as I do
I gave you a way

In that mist
Which covered your eyes
You saw not,
You perished & died

So simple for you
That you could not see
A rod & a serpent
I only required you look

And why would you not
Just look and live?
Because, dear one,
You did not believe

So believe in me,
Believe in my Son
Study my word
& see what he’s done

Believe all things
The Spirit tells you is true
And give place in your heart
For those things to do

Only then,
through simple means
Can I work in your life
To accomplish mighty things

And one day hence,
As you look back & reflect,
You’ll remember the staff
That Moses held up

You’ll see the way of deliverance
Was always there
Waiting, ne’er forceful,
For all who would care

And because you believed
Your eyes opened wide,
You now experience
The change deep inside

And though life is long
One day we’ll meet
After sorrow & toil
You’ll rest your feet

Right in my kingdom
Right here with me
So keep moving forward
& always believe

~ Ryan Mendenhall
in God’s Mighty Care
Monday, June 20, 2011

As I read through Alma 33:19-20 in the Book of Mormon, it became again clear to me that we do not believe once we see, but that believing opens our eyes to all the possibilities.

Walk with me a minute & consider the blind man who climbed Everest, the highest mountain in the world that people literally die trying to climb. Think about the man who rides his bike around clicking his tongue & echo-locating like a bat so he can “see” where he’s going. How about Rick & Dick Hoyt who have run Iron Man competitions together with Dick carrying, pulling, & pushing his son? Or what about Bethany Hamilton who had her entire arm bitten off by a shark and still competes in surfing competitions?

So, what “disability” do YOU feel you’ve been unjustly given? When you look in the mirror, do you have a hard time believing in yourself? Do you doubt your greatness? Let it go. Look to Him & live. Believe that planted in your very soul are the seeds of greatness, the very divine spark that gives life to everything. You have the seeds of creation built right in. So, when the sea of life seems too fierce, when you mess up, yet again, when you feel you have no strength left, look to to Him, remember who you are & live.