Bisphenol A (BPA) – Synthetic Estrogen in Can Lining & Plastic Bottles

Not because I wish you to see me as a Chicken Little do I bring up yet another topic of health concern (by the way, I plan on bringing up much more), but rather because as Howard Dayton said in the Crown Financial Ministries’ awesome “Money Map” audios, “Any enterprise is build by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.” (Proverbs 24:3-4 TLB) And also, “It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.” (Doc & Cov 131:6)

The Problem

So, what is it this time Ryan? Well, I got a couple videos for y’alls to watch that will explain a little bit about the situation…

But wait, it looks like the FDA has changed their tune:

The closing statement in this video kinda cracked me up. The lady whose blood BPA level skyrocketed after just eating a tuna fish sandwich calmly reassured “You can still enjoy your pizza. Everything is relative and in moderation.” It seems a bit like the captain of the titanic calmly encouraging passengers to continue dancing. “Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us.” (2Ne 28:7 Look in verse 10 in the context of this video for an interesting twist in meaning.)

I’ll admit that my first exposure to the dangers of BPA and all the places we get exposed to it (without even knowing it) was from Alex Jones, but just to satisfy all you who don’t want to go that far out there to get your information (even though he documents his claims for you to look up yourself) I made a little trip to the The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, ya know, the government. Well even their National Toxicology Program has begun to look into BPA as a potential human health hazard. They did so not only because of public concern, but because animal studies have shown altered behavior and development in the offspring of animals given this synthetic estrogen and because our current exposure level are relatively similar to that given lab animals.

They have a scale they use to rate their concern of harm. For infants, the concern is elevated.

The Solution

This exposure to a yet another health risk brings us to the conclusion that I’ve been reaching again and again over the last couple months, and quite honestly the one that finally led me to action in the area of what I consume. It was summed up brilliantly by a doctor friend of mine who was explaining how simple nutrition is, “try to eat whole, raw foods. The less processing the better. The end.” So there ya have it folks, eat food the way God made it.

If you insist on walking near the edge, the NIEHS has a tad more information on how to steel clear of BPA. You can also check the “all-knowing” Google or Wikipedia for more about BPA where you’ll see that Canada just declared it a toxin. You can also get “the other side” from those who have an interest in not seeing it banned here (And just in case you thought it, yeah, I am a little biased after reflecting on the data). Below are some additional places to look more information about what’s being done about BPA.


I’d love to hear your thoughts or concerns about this in the comments below. I’d especially like to hear thoughts on how to make avoidance of plastics and canned goods practical.

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