Birthday Giving

So, a while back I heard of a guy who decided to put a twist on his birthday, instead of getting, he gave. The first year he asked everyone to give $30 for his 30th and he took the money and provided clean drinking water for a village in a country that didn’t have it. Brilliant!

So, this year, I’m doing the same. I originally thought I’d give books to kids with the donations, but I teamed up with the water guy cuz they’re more organized and I totally love the cause. Check out here what it’s all about, watch the video and donate below.

I’ll be fund raising from now until June 30th. So, help spread the word by sharing this post on facebook, emailing the link to your friends or whatever works! PS I’ve decided to match all gifts in by June 30th.

The story of charity: water – The 2009 September Campaign Trailer from charity: water on Vimeo.

Click here to give children clean water!

Also, if you feel the giving bug, share your birthday, wedding or do something else to raise money and awareness for something YOU believe in.

This is just the beginning of what i hope is a lifelong journey of giving. Thanks for giving!

4 thoughts on “Birthday Giving”

  1. Rayan is a good idea, if you know and trust the fellow. I have lost a lots of
    money in situations like this. Later on I founded out my money did not went
    no where, but on there pochets.

  2. Dmitri! I agree about making sure where you’re money’s going. I’ve been tracking this guy for a couple years. They post pictures and videos of all the wells they dig, that really helps keeps things transparent.

  3. Rayan is OK with me, because the amount is not to big, but for you is going to be a big sum. On my case I found out that only 10c to adollar
    ware invested to a charity. Do not forget that the labor on those countries
    is very very low. they can open 100 wels for 10,000 $ or less most of the time. Pictures and videos is easy to produse. Verify with the coverment about this situation. I hope you are right. If it is truth is a good thing.
    I will send you that amound the next mo. let me know how, good man.
    Do not forget that people kill for money.

    1. Hey Dmitri! Yeah, they get some corporate donations that pay for their expenses and 100% of the money average people donate go to the projects. I’m sure it’s more expensive because they build the wells, teach the villagers how to use them and they last for 20 years, they also pipe into schools, hospitals and other things. They have set things up pretty well. That’s a really good point about what people will do for money!

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