
You were bitten
& your heart was hard
But as I do
I gave you a way

In that mist
Which covered your eyes
You saw not,
You perished & died

So simple for you
That you could not see
A rod & a serpent
I only required you look

And why would you not
Just look and live?
Because, dear one,
You did not believe

So believe in me,
Believe in my Son
Study my word
& see what he’s done

Believe all things
The Spirit tells you is true
And give place in your heart
For those things to do

Only then,
through simple means
Can I work in your life
To accomplish mighty things

And one day hence,
As you look back & reflect,
You’ll remember the staff
That Moses held up

You’ll see the way of deliverance
Was always there
Waiting, ne’er forceful,
For all who would care

And because you believed
Your eyes opened wide,
You now experience
The change deep inside

And though life is long
One day we’ll meet
After sorrow & toil
You’ll rest your feet

Right in my kingdom
Right here with me
So keep moving forward
& always believe

~ Ryan Mendenhall
in God’s Mighty Care
Monday, June 20, 2011

As I read through Alma 33:19-20 in the Book of Mormon, it became again clear to me that we do not believe once we see, but that believing opens our eyes to all the possibilities.

Walk with me a minute & consider the blind man who climbed Everest, the highest mountain in the world that people literally die trying to climb. Think about the man who rides his bike around clicking his tongue & echo-locating like a bat so he can “see” where he’s going. How about Rick & Dick Hoyt who have run Iron Man competitions together with Dick carrying, pulling, & pushing his son? Or what about Bethany Hamilton who had her entire arm bitten off by a shark and still competes in surfing competitions?

So, what “disability” do YOU feel you’ve been unjustly given? When you look in the mirror, do you have a hard time believing in yourself? Do you doubt your greatness? Let it go. Look to Him & live. Believe that planted in your very soul are the seeds of greatness, the very divine spark that gives life to everything. You have the seeds of creation built right in. So, when the sea of life seems too fierce, when you mess up, yet again, when you feel you have no strength left, look to to Him, remember who you are & live.

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