All posts by Ryan

Experiential Learning

Courses: “Experiential Learning”
One of the foremost humanist psychologists and educationalists, Carl Rogers (1959) promoted the idea of experiential learning. Rogers argued that the self is the centre of all experience, and introduced the phrase ‘unconditional positive regard’ as a philosophical approach to dealing with his clients and students. Essentially, each individual should be accepted for who they are, and how they perceive their worlds. According to another humanist psychologist George Kelly (1963), each individual will construe his or her world ‘in as many different ways as their wits will allow’.
Link to George Kelly Personal Contruct Theory”

Maslow’s Motivations

Courses: “Abraham Maslow (1954; 1970) researched into human motivation. He saw that there are several levels of human motivational needs which must be addressed if effective learning is to take place. These are as follows:
Biological needs – water, food, elimination, rest, warmth, avoidance of pain, etc.,

Safety needs – protection from the physical and social environment, protection from danger

Love and belonging needs – love and acceptance through relationships, group membership, friendship, etc.,

Esteem needs – achievement, competence, approval, recognition, prestige, status

Self actualisation – personal growth, and the development of our unique potentials. Also cognitive understanding and aesthetic experience “