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Created Loreena McKennitt Radio.
All posts by Ryan
Lifestream for Week Ending on December 23rd
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Created Requiem For A Tower Radio.
The Case of the Reindeer Spies
Lifestream for Week Ending on December 9th
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Created Christmas Canon Radio.
100 Things I’m Grateful For
Lately, I’ve been experiencing some great things from a daily practice of gratitude that I started writing a book about it. I thought, well, if I’ve got it as a goal to write a book, it may as well be about something that means a lot to me, so Eyes to See: How The Power of Gratitute Can Transform You Today (working title) was born.
Then one day as I was envisioning how it would touch people’s lives I had the wild idea to make a “gratitude wall” & encorage others (that’s how I usually achieve my goals, by enlisting others to join me in the endeavor) to make a list of things they are grateful for. The stated aim? To create the largest list of gratitude anywhere on the web. The hidden aim? To help people get a small taste of the power that gratitude can have in their lives.
Tomorrow being The Day where we typically think about gratitude more readily, I thought it’d be a good time to sit down and make my own list to contribute to The Gratitude Wall.
I am grateful for…
- Peace in my heart on troubling days
- Andy McKee (his music inspires me & helps me to concentrate!)
- Dr. Amen (His diligence in the face of oppsition & his research on ADD)
- My mother (& the great husband she has)
- My father
- My sisters, their husbands & the fun & intelligent kids they are helping to raise
- My bike! (Yes I ride mainly because I have no insurance on my car, but I enjoy the ride too!)
- Emily (taught me that I can choose to FLY)
- Bro. Ed (Showed me what passion for sharing truth with others looks like)
- Bro. Bassett (He shared his time with me to counsel & comfort. RIP.)
- The Temple (A place of holiness & a refuge from the storm)
- Cowboy boots!
- My ability to read
- My ability to think & speak
- My ability to write
- My herb garden (1st year. Did amazingly not well. 🙂 But I learned that they need water!)
- Bishop McGarr
- Eggs, Toast & Yolk Cutted 🙂 (Breakfast I accidentally named before I could talk properly)
- Blogs
- My Journal (Scripture & personal both)
- Those striving to leave behind lives of darkness and step into lives of light
- The piano
- The guitar
- People who are patient with me while I learn how to be
- Good roommates
- A roof over my head
- A bed that fits most of me 🙂
- Food given in times of financial downturn from the kindness of friends & family
- Having worked with so many great people while creating businesses
- The LDS Church
- The Tabernacle Choir
- Pandora Radio
- Michael Jackson on the Wii & my nephew who got me hooked on it
- Dance Dance Revolution, lovingly called DDR (I once played for 4 hours and was dripping sweat!)
- The pomegranite tree in my mom’s back yard (Mmmm)
- Lasagne
- Teachers
- Avatar The Last Airbender cartoon series!
- Sean T & The Insanity Challenge crew
- The Book of Mormon (Has saved my life many times)
- Institutes of Religion
- Pears, apples & peaches
- Peter & Veronica & Oatmeal 🙂
- Learning Korean
- Serving a mission
- Receiving letters in the mail
- Golden, neon red & orange sunsets
- White puffy clouds in blue skies
- Beautiful snow capped mountains
- Fall leaves, kids playing in them
- John Williams
- Automatic doors (the make me feel like I’m the Starship Enterprise)
- Jean Luc Picard
- Challenges (The struggle to figure out how to overcome them is surprisingly fulfilling)
- Children’s laughter & laughter in general
- Kid History – Esp. Episode 6!
- President Hinckley’s humorous optimism (RIP)
- Truth & it’s search
- Picking weeds
- Kind neighbors (one watches out for hubcaps for my car which at one point had none left!)
- Service opportunities
- Cheesecake
- A good drama (Batman Begins, An Amazing Mind, Inception to name a few)
- The Little Prince (Read it like 10 times or so)
- A good fantasy movie (Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings all “do it” for me)
- Home made cookin
- Learning that I’ve got some codependent habits (cuz seeing them are the first step in changing them)
- Running (The Wasatch Back, St. George Marathon, Moab Half & all the fun surrounding them)
- The clarity that exercise brings to the mind of this ADD kid
- Good therapists 🙂 (If you’ve never seen one, give it a go)
- Learning
- A budding passion in government, learning the history of nations and in protecting freedom
- Ezra Taft Benson (his passion for freedom)
- America going to the moon (it gave me something to dream about as a kid)
- Lake Powell (fills my mind and heart with good memories)
- Cats (have grown up with them and have one now – well, my roommate does – and it amazes me how much of myself I see in them)
- Lying on the grass, letting the sun warm my face while the cool breeze dances all around me.
- Reading with my nephews & neice
- Hot water…running water…water
- A working body
- No toothache (even though I’ve been running on 3 months now since I lost a tooth)
- Persistant creditors (reminds me of how I was to some girls I liked in grade school. Now I see why it may not have worked out)
- Veggies
- Smoothies
- Veggie Smothies 🙂
- Dreams, visions, goals
- Clean clothes…clothes…being naked at least once a day 🙂
- Nikola Tesla (While ecentric, he was a genious!)
- Jazz music (not really cool jazz, but more Michael Buble & Harry Connick Jr stuff)
- The internet
- Good people of every faith who are striving to live divine principles
- Cheese
- White boards
- People who smile
- Safety while driving
- The ability to travel great distances in a short amount of time
- General Conferences (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
- Parks
- The future
I encourage anyone reading this to make thier own list, post it on The Gratitude Wall & grab a free copy of my prepublished book.
Here are a few other lists from the wall: