Created Loreena McKennitt Radio.
All posts by Ryan
Lifestream for Week Ending on December 23rd
Created Requiem For A Tower Radio.
The Case of the Reindeer Spies
Lifestream for Week Ending on December 9th
Created Christmas Canon Radio.
100 Things I’m Grateful For
Lately, I’ve been experiencing some great things from a daily practice of gratitude that I started writing a book about it. I thought, well, if I’ve got it as a goal to write a book, it may as well be about something that means a lot to me, so Eyes to See: How The Power of Gratitute Can Transform You Today (working title) was born.
Then one day as I was envisioning how it would touch people’s lives I had the wild idea to make a “gratitude wall” & encorage others (that’s how I usually achieve my goals, by enlisting others to join me in the endeavor) to make a list of things they are grateful for. The stated aim? To create the largest list of gratitude anywhere on the web. The hidden aim? To help people get a small taste of the power that gratitude can have in their lives.
Tomorrow being The Day where we typically think about gratitude more readily, I thought it’d be a good time to sit down and make my own list to contribute to The Gratitude Wall.
I am grateful for…
- Peace in my heart on troubling days
- Andy McKee (his music inspires me & helps me to concentrate!)
- Dr. Amen (His diligence in the face of oppsition & his research on ADD)
- My mother (& the great husband she has)
- My father
- My sisters, their husbands & the fun & intelligent kids they are helping to raise
- My bike! (Yes I ride mainly because I have no insurance on my car, but I enjoy the ride too!)
- Emily (taught me that I can choose to FLY)
- Bro. Ed (Showed me what passion for sharing truth with others looks like)
- Bro. Bassett (He shared his time with me to counsel & comfort. RIP.)
- The Temple (A place of holiness & a refuge from the storm)
- Cowboy boots!
- My ability to read
- My ability to think & speak
- My ability to write
- My herb garden (1st year. Did amazingly not well. 🙂 But I learned that they need water!)
- Bishop McGarr
- Eggs, Toast & Yolk Cutted 🙂 (Breakfast I accidentally named before I could talk properly)
- Blogs
- My Journal (Scripture & personal both)
- Those striving to leave behind lives of darkness and step into lives of light
- The piano
- The guitar
- People who are patient with me while I learn how to be
- Good roommates
- A roof over my head
- A bed that fits most of me 🙂
- Food given in times of financial downturn from the kindness of friends & family
- Having worked with so many great people while creating businesses
- The LDS Church
- The Tabernacle Choir
- Pandora Radio
- Michael Jackson on the Wii & my nephew who got me hooked on it
- Dance Dance Revolution, lovingly called DDR (I once played for 4 hours and was dripping sweat!)
- The pomegranite tree in my mom’s back yard (Mmmm)
- Lasagne
- Teachers
- Avatar The Last Airbender cartoon series!
- Sean T & The Insanity Challenge crew
- The Book of Mormon (Has saved my life many times)
- Institutes of Religion
- Pears, apples & peaches
- Peter & Veronica & Oatmeal 🙂
- Learning Korean
- Serving a mission
- Receiving letters in the mail
- Golden, neon red & orange sunsets
- White puffy clouds in blue skies
- Beautiful snow capped mountains
- Fall leaves, kids playing in them
- John Williams
- Automatic doors (the make me feel like I’m the Starship Enterprise)
- Jean Luc Picard
- Challenges (The struggle to figure out how to overcome them is surprisingly fulfilling)
- Children’s laughter & laughter in general
- Kid History – Esp. Episode 6!
- President Hinckley’s humorous optimism (RIP)
- Truth & it’s search
- Picking weeds
- Kind neighbors (one watches out for hubcaps for my car which at one point had none left!)
- Service opportunities
- Cheesecake
- A good drama (Batman Begins, An Amazing Mind, Inception to name a few)
- The Little Prince (Read it like 10 times or so)
- A good fantasy movie (Narnia, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings all “do it” for me)
- Home made cookin
- Learning that I’ve got some codependent habits (cuz seeing them are the first step in changing them)
- Running (The Wasatch Back, St. George Marathon, Moab Half & all the fun surrounding them)
- The clarity that exercise brings to the mind of this ADD kid
- Good therapists 🙂 (If you’ve never seen one, give it a go)
- Learning
- A budding passion in government, learning the history of nations and in protecting freedom
- Ezra Taft Benson (his passion for freedom)
- America going to the moon (it gave me something to dream about as a kid)
- Lake Powell (fills my mind and heart with good memories)
- Cats (have grown up with them and have one now – well, my roommate does – and it amazes me how much of myself I see in them)
- Lying on the grass, letting the sun warm my face while the cool breeze dances all around me.
- Reading with my nephews & neice
- Hot water…running water…water
- A working body
- No toothache (even though I’ve been running on 3 months now since I lost a tooth)
- Persistant creditors (reminds me of how I was to some girls I liked in grade school. Now I see why it may not have worked out)
- Veggies
- Smoothies
- Veggie Smothies 🙂
- Dreams, visions, goals
- Clean clothes…clothes…being naked at least once a day 🙂
- Nikola Tesla (While ecentric, he was a genious!)
- Jazz music (not really cool jazz, but more Michael Buble & Harry Connick Jr stuff)
- The internet
- Good people of every faith who are striving to live divine principles
- Cheese
- White boards
- People who smile
- Safety while driving
- The ability to travel great distances in a short amount of time
- General Conferences (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
- Parks
- The future
I encourage anyone reading this to make thier own list, post it on The Gratitude Wall & grab a free copy of my prepublished book.
Here are a few other lists from the wall: