Arthur Unplugged – 40 Day Fast

Alright, it’s not like those bible stories that you hear about where someone goes off into the wilderness and starves for 40 days…I’m still curious about that. Can someone really survive on no food/drink that long? Wow!

But rather this fast is a media fast. In the course of the last several months I’ve found myself completely engrossed in the world of technology and although Kip had it just right when he sand to La-fawn-duh, “I love technology!” I feel that there are things the Lord cannot tell me because “my line is busy.”

Over the course of the next 40 days I am going to scale down my use of media, the internet, texting, twitter and all the other noise, noise, noise (Intentional reference to Dr. Suess)!

Because of my scale down it may seem to some of you that may not be as available as I was before. However, I am making it a point to accept phone calls. I do love my people and you mean a lot to me.

So, as far as what this all means. Here’s my standard:

  • Music: Instrumental, Mo-tab & Jack Johnson :o) He inspires me!
  • Movies: None. Go see a play, play some sports, or some other fun thing. Exception: You can see ONE PG movie during this time. Make it a good one.
  • TV: None. Replacement – write some guitar songs, poetry, read or do some family history instead.
  • Internet Use:
    • At work – 3 hour daily max. Plan time well to accomplish.
    • At home – Only goal-oriented browsing. 30 45 min daily limit.
  • Computer: For journaling, writing & planning only. No games, or other programs. 1 hour daily max.
  • Facebook: for Walk the Talk & Clean Hands groups only – once a week on Sunday every other day for 30 minutes.
  • Email: Check once a week for 30 minutes Check only once for 5 minutes every other day or if someone needs to get me something urgent. (This is down from several times each day, spending upwards of 30 minutes each day.)
  • Texting & Twittering: Stop all Facebook, twitter and other social notifications. No replies via text. Talk on phone or in person if nearby.

Here are some other growth related activities that will replace some of the noise:

  • Work Out: Run to and from work at least 3 times a week (prep for marathon), rock climb for an hour at least 3 times a week after work, yoga… :o) that’s all I’m going to say ’bout that.
  • Sleep: Bed at 10, up at 6. Exception: Friday night: 12 IF something is planned.
  • Scriptures: I spend 1 hour in my scriptures daily and ponder their meaning in the context of my calling – Clean Hands Chair.
  • Patriarchal Blessing: Read weekly
  • Food: Eat breakfast and prepare a lunch for work.
  • Work: Plan for 30 minutes at the beginning of each day. Take a walking/stretching break at least each hour.
  • Planning: Nightly plan the next day. Weekly review previous week and plan next week’s main events from goals.
  • Journaling: Nightly at 9:30.

This list isn’t comprehensive. I expect to receive guidance along the way during my study, planning and journaling time.

If you need something, call me: – Otherwise, see you in 40!

King Arthur

PS: Oh yeah, and to kick off my 40 days I’m going to shave my head…kind of.

3 thoughts on “Arthur Unplugged – 40 Day Fast”

  1. I really love this idea, Ryan. I have been seriously considering doing something very much like this, too! (i.e., get rid of t.v., listen only to uplifting music, spend less time on the Internet, be diligent about working out and immersing myself with the arts, etc.).

    Can’t wait to hear the report after 40 days. GOOD LUCK! You rock!!!!!!

  2. Ryan,
    You are truly an amazing spiritual giant. You know what you want, you care but don’t care what others think, you seem to have such a great balance of knowing when to be serious and knowing when to joke and play around, and you are all about improving yourself and doing anything for others that you can.
    I am excited to be able to come up and finally get to hang out with you. GOOD TIMES HAD BY ALL.


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