Perception, while it creates a reality in thought and belief, does not and can not change absolute reality. Just because a lie is told over and over, DOESN’T make it true. Power, money, control, greed, lust…they seek to create a “real world”, but those things can never change how the world really is, the way things really are. Truth exists in spite of the dark one’s very subtle and deceptive claims to the contrary.
I have a feeling that we believe what we feed our souls most…I would rather not find out if I can read, view, and think about darkness and come out unaffected. Studying daily from what I know in my heart to be the words of God therefore is of invaluable import. Slumbering in the night so that I can be protected from the minds wanderings through strange paths is of similar importance.
Thus, I ride home now from another late night of feeling that there’s more for me to know “out there” and disregarding the above mentioned vitals.