A Royal Priesthood & A Baby Blessing

A Royal Priesthood

President Thomas S. Monson

“Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” ~ 1 Peter 2:9

Such an appropriate talk for “a would be king” that I took extra care to capture how it applies to me. I have been called out of darkness to shine his light to the world. I must stand in holy places where light is present and to do that I strive to have the marks of he who bears the royal priesthood.

  • vision: I choose to act consciously. I set goals with the Spirit.
  • effort: I choose righteousness. I act in accordance with my goals.
  • faith: I have moments of testing and in those moments I hold to the rod.
  • virtue: “the way to avoid sin is to keep our thinking pure.” I watch my thoughts.
  • prayer: He strengthens me through my faith in prayer.

Blessing Baby Thomas

Today I was honored to stand in the circle of elders that blessed my dear friend Rachel’s baby. She is such a genuine person and the love that shines in her eyes for everyone will bless sweet Thomas’ life.

In moments like today I recommit inside to bear the marks of one who holds the Holy Priesthood of God. Truly the priesthood blesses all, the bearer and those whom he blesses. I am so very thankful for chances like these to remind me to stand a little taller and to serve a little more sincerely.

Thank you Rachel. Thank you Thomas!


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