
I learned today that “Thru Hiking” is not only a term that describes what the Appalachian Trail (AT) hikers that go the distance do, but something that describes all those who are daring enough to blaze trails across the country.

Maps’s AT map


As I’ve thought about the AT, I’ve decided that I’m going to do it. From now until I finish premed classes I’m going to learn more about it, prepare and gather friends that are also interested in heading out on the journey with me.

The other day I received my video, Trek. It’s nearing 2 a.m. and I’m watching it. This will be one of the first things I’ve done to intentionally expose myself to what hiking the AT is going to be like. On Monday I found an article at work in Backbacker Magazine. A small blurb in the front talked about a new section to the site. It was my first visit to the site and it was to see their guide on what they called “the classic trails,” the Appalachian Trail, The Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail.

I’m also waiting to receive 2 trail guides for hiking the AT. I’m very excited! Since at work I’m looking into podcasts as a marketing meduim I decided to look for any AT podcasts…found one! I”m stoked. Some guy interviews hikers of the AT and gets real life insights into what it’s like.

Bottom line, life is fun, I’m livin’ it up.

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