Canadian Geographer

So, I was riding in the car with a new Canadian best friend. It just so happens that I work with a Canadian too. I asked him once where he was from and he said Alberta, or maybe it was Ontario. Oh well, either way, I then asked him where that place was. He continued to give me a Canadian Geography lesson. I was pretty stoked to say the least. Seems that I know all about Canada now. They’re pretty much the coolest people ever. I mean look at ’em! What other country can boast of having bands as cool as Bare Naked Ladies and Arrogant Worms? Um, none I think. Canada’s the only place.

Alright, down to brass tax. I know I kinda hinted at it in the previous paragraph, but I am feeling a strong urge to tell you flat out. I’m a Canadian Geographer. There, I said it. I know that some may mock, but never can I say that I didn’t follow my convictions.

Now in saying that I started the Canadian Geographer’s Club I want you to know that I can’t claim Canadian citizenship. I can only hope that someday I will be extended honorary citizenship, knighted, or even just given some plain tickets to the great white north.

Anyhow, let it be known that the Canadian Geographer’s Club is in session. Dues are not required, unless you’re not a Canadian OR a Geographer. In which case, you can’t join, sorry.

Oh, PS. Strange Brew makes me laugh. And if you do a search for “Rehpargeog Naidanac”, I’ll be number one. I’ll bet on it.

2 thoughts on “Canadian Geographer”

  1. Probably would have to be when I was 10 or younger. Was quite a while ago. I remember getting some of their money at the gas station and feeling like I was in another world. Indeed, I was…

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