
Finished up tonight with the last of my reading. I read about 30 pages today to get to that point. Despite the catch up I was playing it felt really good to finish up my reading in the Book of Mormon. I went running when I finished up and came home soaked! As I ran I thought about the blessings that have come into my life through reading the Book of Mormon. My thoughts recently have been a lot on my family and how a study of the Book changed my relationship with them. Whereas once I fought and hated, I now love and find joy in their company. It performed a miracle once and I feel it taking hold again.

This year I’ve learned a lot and have come to some pretty strong conclusions about my faith. I know that I can never assume for a moment that I am strong enough without my Savior on my side. I have lots of goals this year and I don’t want to accomplish any of them without the Lord close by. I thank my Heavenly Father for his blessings in my life and embark on another leg of my journey towards perfection through his grace.

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