Weekly Recap of Arthur’s Tweets

  • likes House more than USC winning. #
  • likes House more than UNC winning too. #
  • is gonna go climbing @ 4:30 and watch the sunday sessions of conference @ 7. Call if ya wanna join me 361-5002 #
  • just read Part I of The 5000 Year Leap. WOW! The Founding Fathers really comsidered A LOT that we have forgotten in modern America. Return! #
  • RT @ioventures: “If Shakespeare Could Blog…” Free Workshop on Blogging Apr 10th @ 12. RSVP to Ryan: 800-369-6416 or ryan@ioventuresinc.com #
  • is longboarding down Provo Canyon. It’s been too long! #
  • S Maddie #
  • thanks Maddie, the random and kind girl who took us back up to Vivian when we left our lower lot keys in the upper lot car. 🙂 Good times! #
  • learned principle 1 tonight: “The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law” – powerful. #
  • invites anyone interested in learning how to make money blogging to come to his workshop @ 12. #
  • just settled in to watch As You Like It @ the Hale Center Theater. #
  • sucks melancholy from songs like a weasel sucks eggs! #
  • has a group goin to a house concert w Debra Fotheringham @ 630. Call me if ya wanna join us! #
  • had an AMAZINGLY sweet time @ the Raining Jane house concert. Debra Fotheringham rocked. Stephanie Smith was sweet n Mona…ah dear Mona! #

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